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Motorola V710 Questions! from a Verizon, Michigan Customer


Sep 8, 2004, 10:20 PM
I currently own the Motorola T720. I bought that phone the first month it cam out. I update the roaming capabilities all the time and I took it in to have the firmware upgraded. The connection is still not that great when I travel further north than Lansing, Michigan. I never had this issue with my Timeport. I found out from a Verizon Wireless Technician that the issue is that all Verizon Wireless phones use PRL (preferred roaming list). The Timeport did not.

That was the background - now on to my question(s). I know that my connections most likely will not improve, but should I bother and upgrade from a T720 to the V710? I would like to stick with Motorola phones. FYI - the camera aspect of the phone is not a selling point. T...

Sep 10, 2004, 3:57 PM
If you still own one of the first releases of the 720, you should've upgraded a while ago. There were quite a few hardware changes that had to be made to improve RF Sensitivity, and software upgrades to its System Determination to prevent it from Scanning to AMPS and getting lost there. The 730, in fact is nothing more than the Rev G hardware of the 720. In other words, it's the 720 working the way it always should have. It has nothing to do with what PRL you load into the handset, unfortunately.

The 710 is a vastly improved handset with very good RF Sensitivity. Features aside, it's a much better performing handset.

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