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Aug 23, 2004, 6:30 PM
Someone find out what we can do here. I want to use my new vx 7000 on Sprint. My mom has sprint and I want to let her use my new phone if I can find a way to make it happen. I heard that this site would be packed with the knowledge to make something like this happen. Was that a rumor to be chalked up as urban legend? I need to find out what it would take to use this phone on sprint. Please help me.

Aug 26, 2004, 11:40 PM
🙂 Greetings. I have some good news for you. The VX 7000 IS 100% compatible (technology wise) with SPRINT PCS. Now Will they activate is another question. If they will not, it would merely be a business decision and not because the phone will not work with them.
Was the 7000 used before ? If it was (or not for that matter) with another carrier, you will have to load what is called a PRL (Preferred Roaming List) into it. This is a database that indicates the phone what carriers to use when the phone is roaming - this list is compiled based on your plan and what not and is carrier specific.
So if you somehow persuade SPRINT PCS to activate the phone, have them load a PRL into it. This is down by connecting the phone to a PC and running a...

Aug 27, 2004, 12:05 AM
🙂 Greetings...
The programming sequence didn't come out right. Email me at webmaster@rukshan.com for info

- Rukshan W

Aug 27, 2004, 10:17 AM
YOU ARE A GODSEND MY FRIEND! I will definitely shoot you out an email later on. Oh and I caught your post on the SMS hosting on websites, I'm interested in that also.

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