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lg env or sidekick id/maby lx


Jan 6, 2008, 6:18 PM
i am thinking about getting a new phone && before i was debating over a id or lx. now i am thinking about the env. i know u have to have verizon buh soon they r posting this law where u can get it from anywhere 🙂 comments on wat is better please

Jan 7, 2008, 9:41 AM
VZW (verizon) and T-mobile are not compatible.

t-mobile needs a SIM card.

The VZW statement means they eventually will let you used any compatible phone on their network. eventually.

my advice:

figure out which provider you like, what provider works in your area, which rate plan is best for you.

Then, come back and ask us which phone is best from that carrier. Or you could ask around, ask buddies at work, family members. They will tell you all you need to know about a carrier and a phone.

Mar 4, 2008, 2:53 PM
Couldn't be stated any better..

Feb 23, 2008, 11:49 PM
I would go for the En-V. I had a sidekick 1&2. They were the worst two phones that i've ever owned. My buddy had a SideKick 3 and that was a major POS. Sharp should just quit making phones altogether. T-Mobile's Network is terribly spotty. I would know because I used to work for them. I currently own a green En-V. I know it looks like baby ****. It was 2nd hand from my g.f., she got a Flipshot. The data speeds on the En-V blow away those of the Sidekicks. The VZW High-Speed EVDO data network rums at 400-700kbps. In common terms, it is like DSL. LG did a great job making the 2.0 MP camera and lens. The QVGA display on the inside is large and a dream to use. The QWERTY keyboard is well designed and ergonomic. By the way, when all phones will b...

Mar 4, 2008, 3:02 PM
I currently have the EnV, best phone I have had so far. Compairing to a Sidekick is deff hard. The sidekick is deff a lot more expensive. T-Mobile is prolly the cheapest ,plan wise that is. There are so many diff things you need to look at before making a decsion. I'd check pricing on both of them, after you check your calling area to see if you can get either Verizon or TMobile. The sidekick is nice but pricey. The EnV is cheap but also has all the features I need it for. No complaints except my speaker volume sucks, I need to get it replaced basically. Doesn't bother me one bit because I don't use it.

Mar 4, 2008, 11:09 PM
i really need help figuring out how to transfer a video to this phone. i can sync music but when i tried to do video, all that transfered was the audio. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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