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PTT, please explain


Sep 25, 2004, 9:23 AM
I posted this in another forum, but since it's more relavant to this one I'll put it here as well.

OK. Can someone PLEASE explain to me the use of PTT in the private sector?

I understand it in the business world. I've seen it used by contractors, my cable company, my landlord who runs a business. All these people need to be in constant contact with their employees/coworkers and it makes it so much easier for them to dish out orders, ask questions, and get solutions VERY quickly. I even saw it used by one worker to contact another worker (who was at my house at the time) to translate for a customer who only spoke spanish. All this is GREAT for businesses.

My question is WHAT IN THE HELL is it good for in the private sector? First off...

Sep 26, 2004, 5:41 PM
PTT, in the consumer sector, merely replaces mobile-to-mobile on other carriers. As you stated yourself if your friends are on Sprint, AT&T etc you need to call them.

I keep my Nextel on vibrate and turn my speak off. I listen through the ear piece and most people don't even realize I am using my PTT.

All of Nextel's competitors must realize there is something about PTT to make it worth it to them to try and copy it.

Sep 26, 2004, 7:37 PM
and I thank you for that, you're quite considerate in doin that, but most people don't give a crap. I was just in a little mexican restaurant last night and not only did the hostess ignore my request to be sat in Non-Smoking (I have breathing difficulties akin to asthma) but the loud drunked people at the next table were playin with their Nextel PTT the whole time and damnit I couldn't enjoy my meal without developing a headache. Course that could be cause of my lack of oxygen too. But the sound was still annoyin. Why not just use M2M, almost every carrier has it now, and leave the PTT options for businesses?

Sep 27, 2004, 5:48 PM
Would you not agree their behavior would have been the same if they were speaking on the phone, not just PTT? Granted you got to hear both sides of the conversation but if they were that loud you still would have been bothered.
Why not use PTT if it is available? Just another form of communication. All the other carriers are copying Nextel and impementing some form of PTT now as well.
Rich Brome

Sep 28, 2004, 7:41 PM
In general, most carriers are targeting PTT at the business users, exactly like you said. I don't see much consumer-oriented PTT advertising. So I think for the most part, the industry agrees with you.

But then again, Nextel, despite targeting business users, has been gaining ground with consumers as well... enough that they now have Boost to target just that market. I think other carriers are keeping a close eye on that, but it's not clear yet that the consumer market is big enough for the big boys to go after.

The fact that its doesn't work between carriers is definitely a major limiting factor. It's also another reason PTT is still being marketed mainly to businesses. Only with a business - where all the employees have the same carr...

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