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Help with Browser set up on v80 unlocked world phone for AT&T???


Sep 23, 2004, 11:37 AM
Can anyone help me out with this? I purchased an unlocked Motorola v80 from wireless galaxy and the phone is awesome. Great reception, features, etc...except when I try to get to mMode it always says "Network not available". I am getting 3 to full bars of service on AT&T at the time and on other Motorola's I have had it will always connect with the internet in the same reception. I do not see any place in the Browser setup menu to put in a default web address. 😕

Sep 25, 2004, 1:19 PM
The phone should be able to be programmed over the air. It isn't a model that is sold by AT&T Wireless, however the platform should be the same as the V505 or the V600. www.attws.com/support then click on "setup tools," then click on "configure your device," enter your wireless number and choose either of the two phones I mentioned. It will send the correct settings to the phone.

Sep 27, 2004, 9:42 AM
Thanks a bunch!

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