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800 (850)mHz frequency needed in USA?


Sep 17, 2004, 12:47 PM
Hello. I was wondering if anyone can tell me if the frequency mentioned above is absolutely needed in the USA. I would like to get a new GSM phone and would like to know if I can get by with a 900/1800/1900 phone and use ATT as my carrier here in the USA. If 850 is absolutely needed can anyone recommend a quad mode phone that is small in size? I like small and not a flip phone. Thanks for the help.


Sep 17, 2004, 1:08 PM
ATT and Cingular are using the 850 freq as their primary band so in your case it is absolutly needed. there are not too many quad bands out yet other than the flip from Motorola. There are however lots of triband phones that support the 850/1800/1900 like the T616 from SE and many samsung models like the X426, stay away from TM phones as they are working on 900/1800/1900.

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Sep 17, 2004, 1:32 PM
😲 I believe i need to correct my own message 😲
Most wireless providers in the US are operating on the 1900 MHz and some smaller companies use the 850. Cingular, I've heard, in some areas uses the 850 in combination with the 1900. Is the 850 absolutely needed? if you travel throughtout the states you do, if not then there is no 'need'. Sorry about my earlier reply I was thinking about 2 completely opesite things at the same time ;)

Sep 17, 2004, 3:18 PM
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. I do travel throughout the USA but not that often. Mainly I am in Az and Las Vegas. I would think then that 1900 would be enough would you agree?
Is there any way of finding out what frequencies are in which areas? eg a map. That would be ideal.

Seems like the quad band phones are hard to come by and that they are pretty large. I am looking for a small, lightweight, non-flip phone. can you recommend anything? What do you mean by TM phones?

Thanks again.

Sep 17, 2004, 7:40 PM
By 'TM' I mean 'T-Mobile' and here is a link to a site that has sorta something you are looking for. It lists all US wireless providers with their coverage map and frequencies they use. Unfortunately not all in one map. Anyway here is the link: http://www.gsmworld.com/roaming/gsminfo/cou_u s.shtml.

If you are staying within the US there is really no need for a quad band as the 900 band is not used here in the US (please anybody correct me if I'm wrong) only the 850 and 1900. 900 and 1800 are frequencies used in Europe/Asia and the rest of the world. Therefore you can go by with a Tri-band or even a dual band. IMHO it is Sony Ericsson that has the best looking and user friendly triband phones (non flip) like the T616, T637 series and now th...

Sep 17, 2004, 7:41 PM
By 'TM' I mean 'T-Mobile' and here is a link to a site that has sorta something you are looking for. It lists all US wireless providers with their coverage map and frequencies they use. Unfortunately not all in one map. Anyway here is the link:
http://www.gsmworld.com/roaming/gsminfo/cou_us.shtml. »

If you are staying within the US there is really no need for a quad band as the 900 band is not used here in the US (please anybody correct me if I'm wrong) only the 850 and 1900. 900 and 1800 are frequencies used in Europe/Asia and the rest of the world. Therefore you can go by with a Tri-band or even a dual band. IMHO it is Sony Ericsson that has the best looking and user friendly triband phones (non flip) like the T616, T637 series and now t...

Sep 17, 2004, 11:21 PM
What exactly do you need in a phone? Are you going to be travelling in asia or europe? If not, get a dual band phone(850/1900). If you are going to roam internationally, you will probably want a tri-band or quadband phone.

Here's my picks...
Best Dual band:
Entry Level
Nokia 3595/6010 or Samsung X427

Mid Level
Nokia 3300

High End
Ummmm, errrr... the 3300 WAS a highend dual band last year, but I can't think of any highend dual band phones right now.

Best Tri/Quad-Band good lord there are many...
Entry Level
ummm yeah.... Moto's C650 is the only one I think. So THEY WIN!!!!

Mid Level
this is a HUGE toss-up.
The Motorola V400 is VERY VERY IMPRESSIVE. only lacks a metal cover to be the perfect midr...
Rich Brome

Sep 18, 2004, 3:45 PM
I would disagree. If you have T-Mobile, then you only need 1900. But if you have AT&T or Cingular, you absolutely need both 850 and 1900 if you want even half-decent national coverage.

Sep 18, 2004, 6:44 PM
Tmobile does have all 1900 coverage but the network is very small compared to the other two major gsm carriers in the US. Tmobile provides good coverage if your cross country travel includes major cities and airports, but almost no other coverage is available. That's a real downer if you are looking for a larger network. Even Cingular's 1900 coverage exceeds T-Mobile's. Don't get me wrong... I am a T-Mobile fan, but if they don't get more licenses, they aren't going to do well in the national picture.

Sep 19, 2004, 2:09 PM
CainMarko said:
Tmobile does have all 1900 coverage but the network is very small compared to the other two major gsm carriers in the US. Tmobile provides good coverage if your cross country travel includes major cities and airports, but almost no other coverage is available. That's a real downer if you are looking for a larger network. Even Cingular's 1900 coverage exceeds T-Mobile's. Don't get me wrong... I am a T-Mobile fan, but if they don't get more licenses, they aren't going to do well in the national picture.
Yeah, nevermind that they're roaring up on Sprint's keister like a lawnmower with no throttle control.

Sep 20, 2004, 9:11 PM
I never said TMobile wasn't doing well. They are doing awesome. But, if they can't expand for the demand within the next 5-10 years, they are going to start hurting. I personally wish they WOULD invest more in licenses so they can have a bigger network. It's a good one.

Sep 21, 2004, 5:12 PM
CainMarko said:
I never said TMobile wasn't doing well. They are doing awesome. But, if they can't expand for the demand within the next 5-10 years, they are going to start hurting. I personally wish they WOULD invest more in licenses so they can have a bigger network. It's a good one.
I wouldn't necessarily call it "good"...I'd call it average. But you're right...if they keep adding subs at this rate they'll have to come up with some licenses to handle the demand for capacity.

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