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Sep 13, 2004, 4:17 PM
Is the V180 the replacement for the V60

Sep 13, 2004, 4:46 PM
Not at all... there are a ton of V60 models, some of which are still current such as the V60s and the V60v. The GSM V60 (V60g, V60gi) has been gone for quite a while already. T-Mobile released the V180 today, possibly as a replacement for the soon-to-be defunct V66. It's basically just supposed to be a small, stylish, mid-tier clamshell model, sort of in line with the Siemens CF62.

Sep 13, 2004, 5:58 PM
Thanks for the info. I like to be able to answer my customers when they ask what their replacement phone will be.

Sep 15, 2004, 9:16 AM
JDigital said:
Not at all... there are a ton of V60 models, some of which are still current such as the V60s and the V60v. The GSM V60 (V60g, V60gi) has been gone for quite a while already. T-Mobile released the V180 today, possibly as a replacement for the soon-to-be defunct V66. It's basically just supposed to be a small, stylish, mid-tier clamshell model, sort of in line with the Siemens CF62.
And a great job on Tmobile's part. With such attention paid to the company's handset lineup, I think it was a smart move to relieve the v66 of its duties seeing as it was built like a tinker toy.

Sep 15, 2004, 12:20 PM
Hey muchdrama, why are you back all of the sudden? I thought you got a promotion. Anyway, I agree... not only is this a smart move, but T-Mobile's explosion of new handsets is wonderful, and should be great for business. I think they are really gearing up to compete with the massive new Cingular conglomerate.

Sep 15, 2004, 1:07 PM
JDigital said:
Hey muchdrama, why are you back all of the sudden? I thought you got a promotion. Anyway, I agree... not only is this a smart move, but T-Mobile's explosion of new handsets is wonderful, and should be great for business. I think they are really gearing up to compete with the massive new Cingular conglomerate.
This place is like crack, and I'm on the teetering tottering edge of getting promoted to "Operations Manager"...otherwise known as "The Sucker Who Gets to Do All the Actual Work".

Sep 15, 2004, 1:17 PM
Cool... you should go check out my slam in the AWS forum. I think this place has been a little too undramatic and peaceful now that the Cingular and Verizon reps have signed their treaty, so I'm declaring war on AWS customer care.

Sep 15, 2004, 5:31 PM
JDigital said:
Cool... you should go check out my slam in the AWS forum. I think this place has been a little too undramatic and peaceful now that the Cingular and Verizon reps have signed their treaty, so I'm declaring war on AWS customer care.
Huzzah! I'm in.

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