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Feb 23, 2005, 10:44 AM
I plan to go VZW, and really want Bluetooth. Their only BT phone is Moto v710, which stinks in reviews. Can BT be added to a non-Bluetooth phone with an adapter? How well do they work? What is reqd on the phone (jacks) to do this?

Feb 27, 2005, 4:07 PM
tgm3 said:
I plan to go VZW, and really want Bluetooth. Their only BT phone is Moto v710, which stinks in reviews. Can BT be added to a non-Bluetooth phone with an adapter? How well do they work? What is reqd on the phone (jacks) to do this?

The V710 has integrated Bluetooth, but the operating system software (flash) limits the use of it.

I don't know of any way of getting around that.
Rich Brome

Mar 4, 2005, 12:23 AM
Yes, absolutely. There are several Bluetooth adapters that plug into the 2.5mm headset jack of most phones. Of course, that will only get you basic the headset and handsfree profiles. I think Motorola also makes a Bluetooth adapter for some of its CE Bus phones, but I don't know which Verizon models it works with or what profiles it makes available.

Mar 4, 2005, 5:34 PM
Is there such an adapter that would allow one to plug it in and have other Bluetooth profiles such as OBEX and DUN?

I was really looking forward to the Sony Ericsson z500 until I found out it had no Bluetooth, and having an adapter would solve that problem, thanks!
Rich Brome

Mar 4, 2005, 5:53 PM
No, I don't think so. That would require a very sophisticated adapter, and I don't think there's enough of a market to justify the R&D for creating such a device. It would have to be redesgined for each manufacturer's type of connector, too.

The people who might buy such a device... would probably prefer to have Bluetooth built-in. And no one likes big extra things hanging off their phone all the time, so you'd probably just plug it in when you need it... and if you're going to do that, what's the difference between that and just plugging in a cable when you need it?

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