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Will there be a new phone to match Verizon Wireless Samsung i600?


Feb 18, 2005, 10:44 PM
I am about to buy a new phone and have been eyeing the Samsung i600 for Verizon Wireless. The stores are no longer carrying it, but I can buy it on-line. Does anyone know if a newer version is coming out? Is it worth the wait? Any recommendations? The i700 is too big for my taste and the Audiovox is out of my price range. Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

Feb 18, 2005, 10:46 PM
Also does anyone know why the sales people at Verizon know nothing about what is in the pipeline for new phones??? 😕 What's the best place to get info on new phones to be released?

Feb 19, 2005, 3:22 AM
Anything that the sales people know at this time for any company is proprietary information. Also, there are many push backs to release dates and getting someone's expectations up when they might not come true is just bad business. This website is actually the best place to get the information.

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