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everyone talk about sprint


Mar 12, 2008, 10:06 PM
i havent hear much about other carriers lately everyone is talking about sprint, new sprint phones, new sprint plans new sprint price (if telekom want to purchase LOL 😁) all is about sprint ??
Michael Winters

Mar 13, 2008, 9:28 AM
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

I noticed....

😲 😲 😲

Mar 16, 2008, 1:03 PM
Sprint has always tried to make headlines... as far as talk though, most people are making jokes about sprint.

Sprint turned into the bastard of the wireless industry a few years ago... we will see if their corporate leadership can turn the ship around.

I doubt it.

Mar 25, 2008, 11:32 PM
I work for sprint, they are done

Mar 25, 2008, 11:52 PM
That's a little pre-mature. Sprint's been around for years, and i'm sure they all haven't been full of rainbows and cheer. Sprint reminds me of the old scarred dog. He's had a couple tough bouts, but he's still walking around when the flash in the pans are gone. 😎

As far as it goes though, Sprint, like every other Carrier, isn't perfect and I dont see them 'going away'. The orginization may change hands, but it will still be Sprint, because if they go under, suddenly there's alot of places without celphone coverage.

Mar 28, 2008, 10:22 PM
I agree with what was stated above. I mean, yes, they by far have the most terrible customer service, (CAN I GET AN AMERICAN PLEASE!!!! ESPECAILLY WHEN A 4 LINE DEAL IS ON THE LINE), and a less then perfect selection of handsets (yet some are pretty bad-ass) I think that sprint will prevail. Sprint being one of big 4 wireless superpowers in the industry, they will find thier heads above water. They have strategically placed themselves in the big box stores like best buy, and walmart and my beloved radioshack. honestly, I see radioshack and sprint have quite a bit in common, and although it would seem that sprint would be devoured by giants like ATT and Verizon, just as radioshack should be devoured by the likes of walmart and bestbuy, compan...

Mar 30, 2008, 1:17 PM
I agree with everything (for the most part said so far). I'm a sprint employee myself, and the only thing i never understand is when people talk about the differences of Sprint vs. Verizon. Yes, Sprint's customer service is sub-par and at times, has been disgusting. But you get what you pay for. Sprint is, at this point, the "value" carrier at of the top 4. Sprint has the best plans and overall coverage for your money. If you want the same service(since Sprint and Verizon are both CDMA and roam for free on each other), but better customer service and dont mind dropping 20-30 bucks more a month, get Verizon. Simple as that. The only real difference beyond that is the lower end phones from both carriers. Verizon's are better. Sprint has a few ...

Mar 30, 2008, 5:25 PM
Coverage isn't even because 'they roam off of each other', it is NOT even at all. You misunderstand the way that works.

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