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Dec 15, 2004, 4:49 PM
Krazy Kory

Dec 15, 2004, 6:47 PM
Yeah I think that the 6 major companies r going 2 join together and just make 3 major companies.

Dec 15, 2004, 7:19 PM
Well, yesterday, Verizon was in talks of buying sprint, so anything is possible, i think that there WILL become 3 giant corps 😈 but who knows, they may get in a fight and break up next week! 😉

Dec 15, 2004, 8:20 PM
I can't see such a cellular giant being approved by the FCC. The Cingular/ATT buyout was a #2 and #5. Verizon + Sprint + Nextel is like a #2+#3+#5... pretty intimidating. 😕

Dec 16, 2004, 12:36 PM
I can tell you the reasons why with just 1 word...SPECTRUM!

NEXTEL will have continious 800 MHz spectrum once the re-banding is done, something Sprint doesn't have.

NEXTEL was just awarded 10 MHz of virgin 1.9 GHz. spectrum, something Sprint can use.

NEXTEL, at least around here, doesn't co-exist on NEXTEL sites in most places. This gives Sprint additional site locations without signing new leases.

I can go on, but the technical reasons is why this happened. Spectrum is very valuable and when combined with the existing customer base, it was a very worthwhile investment for Sprint.

Dec 16, 2004, 12:45 PM
i didnt think it was an investment for Sprint, it was the two companies merging.

Unlike Cingular/AT&T where one company bought the other.

Dec 17, 2004, 5:35 AM
shadedpain4 said:
i didnt think it was an investment for Sprint, it was the two companies merging.

Unlike Cingular/AT&T where one company bought the other.

Sprint is giving NEXTEL stockholders 1.3 Sprint-NEXTEL stocks for every NEXTEL stock that is owned plus cash, I call than an investment.

Dec 17, 2004, 8:33 AM
on a different note, is the name going to change from nextel to sprint? or will they keep their names. I'm thinking about this, because of NASCAR NEXTEL cup racing. they just switched to that sponsor this year, after 31 years of WINSTON. so I'll really be mad if they go to the SPRINT CUP next year. what a waste that will be. I hope they keep it NEXTEL CUP

Dec 18, 2004, 7:50 PM
According to the articles I've read about the merger, they're going to change the name to "Sprint Nextel", but of course, that's still subject to change.

Jan 12, 2005, 6:17 PM
The merger is a merger of equals they are splitting stock 50/50 with sprints CEO haeding the new company

Jan 19, 2005, 2:50 PM
it is a merger. there are benefits for both companies. sprint is gaining nextel's walkie talkie base and nextel is gaining sprints voice services. not to mention the customer basess. Sprint has many individual consumers and nextel has many business consumers.

It's a win/win for both companies. And it was bound to happen whether or not the Cingular take over of Att happened or not.

Dec 16, 2004, 10:58 PM
i love this merger it will be an extremly powerful company. they both are great companies in what they do. nextel loves busineses and the gov. sector while sprint goes after the consumers. i think this is a perfect marriage. i think they could take the number 1 spot within 3-5 years. they wil come out with awesome products to sell to the consumers .. with qchat, voice over ip, ev-do rev a and many many more things that we can dream of. coverage will be great and the whole merger will be great.

verizon, and cingu/att better watch out for nextel/sprint becuase they will be powerful. unfort, for tmobile they will be left out and i think that bad things could happen to the company if they dont do something quick.

Dec 20, 2004, 11:18 PM
Are you kidding me? Sprint can barely keep it together. The only way they manage to stay in business is to give the farm away to keep people from canceling. Nextel was ok cause of their p2t other than that they have crap for coverage. Sprints network all though is listed as being pretty large is not reliable at all. Dropped calls were something of the norm when I worked there and was a customer. Sprints churn rate is pretty high too. This is due to not just customers leaving but because they have a VERY high customer base of credit risky people. I see them going in the opposite direction. Forget what they are coming out with.. at the end of the day if the phone can't make it through a conversation the customer won't be happy no matter if the...

Dec 23, 2004, 12:34 PM
well that is why nextel's mgmt is basically running the show. barry west the cto of nextel will straigthen around sprint's spectrum holding and tower portfolio to make it in better use. he did that with nextel and nextel has a lack of spectrum, while sprint has a surplus of spectrum. with nextel's mgmt in the show they can turn around sprint's wireless business.

they have high churn becuase they only attack consumers and not businesses becuase nextel basically owns that whole market as well as the gov sector. but they also have the 2nd highest arpu( not including nextel partners) in the industry behind nextel. so that tells me that people actually like to pay a lot for their service with sprint.

lastly, i keep mentioneing that nextel...

Dec 31, 2004, 2:27 AM
Despite what anyone thinks, technically with Sprint if you have the america option you officially have the best coverage in the United States. Paritally because Sprint uses Verizons towers too. Most of the dropped calls come from ppl having their phones on automatic and the phone looks for the first available tower whether its a strong signal or not. As far as the whole churn rate. Sprint has managed to take a group of consumers that would have chosen pre-pay as their only option and turned them into monthly customers. Ironic enough most of those customers are kids, just like you said, with no bills and still live at home with nothing but money to spare. For those with a huge risk they have a $125 deposit and a $125 spending limit so i...

Dec 17, 2004, 8:59 PM
Hello, triopoly. 😈

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