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Cingular Wireless 3Q numbers


Oct 19, 2005, 9:09 AM
"Cingular said it added 867,000 net subscribers in the quarter, raising its total to 52.3 million.

Average monthly revenue per user in the quarter was $49.65, down 1.2 percent from $50.25 a year ago. Average monthly churn -- the rate at which customers switch to other providers -- was 2.3 percent in the quarter, compared to 2.8 percent for the same period a year ago."

http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/051019/earns_cingular.html?.v=2 »

http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/051019/clw021.html?.v=24 »

"Cingular's data ARPU improved 4.1 percent sequentially to $4.33, and the company's Business Markets Group signed up more than 700 new high-end service contracts in the quarter."

"Cingular is still on track to launch UMTS/HSDPA in 15-20 markets by the

Oct 19, 2005, 9:16 AM
I'm glad ARPU rose but is 4% supposed to be a lot?

Cingular is too conservative in it's marketing. Let's see something aggressive like a rebate for people who switch from Verizon. That would be the declaration of war that the Wireless Industry needs! 😈

Oct 19, 2005, 9:19 AM
actually voice arpu went down but that is a trend that is happening now as carriers need to find other revenues to increase data arpu.

you are talking about DATA arpu. yes data arpu has increase 4% to $4.33. it isnt a lot but it is something especially since this market is saturated and voice arpu will be going down and thus carriers need to improve data arpu.

regardless if its a 4% increase or a 1%increase its still increasing which shows growth in their data services and products and that will probably offset the lower drop of arpu (voice).

Oct 19, 2005, 10:18 AM
I can care less what the new adds, churn, net sales, etc.... as long as my phone works... thats all that matters.

Oct 19, 2005, 10:25 AM
i see. thanks for that , but how come you dont have any opinion?

Oct 19, 2005, 10:46 AM
Cause Buckock doesn't invest in stocks

Oct 19, 2005, 10:49 AM
one doesnt have to invest in stocks to voice an opinion.

Oct 19, 2005, 12:59 PM
Dude, you don't have to have an opinion about everything.

Oct 26, 2005, 2:56 AM
nextel18 said:
i see. thanks for that , but how come you dont have any opinion?

Maybe he has an opinion but knows if he voices it, you will rant for a few pages.

Oct 19, 2005, 11:46 AM
My opinion, even though it doesn't matter, is that the discrepancy of net subscriber additions between Cingular and Verizon will balance out in the first or second quarter of next year when Verizon pulls out of Radio Shack and Cingular goes in. My basis for this is as follows:

Radio Shack average VZW adds per month in each store is 25 net adds. When you multiply this by 7,000 stores, it is 175k adds per month, or 525k net adds per quarter.

If you take that off of VZW's net adds and add it to Cingular, it puts both of them between 1.4 million to 1.6 million (depending on VZW's net adds in the 3rd quarter).

But, then again, all of my thoughts are worthless, so it doesn't matter.

Oct 19, 2005, 1:00 PM
That is actually a good theory. They won't get ALL of that gain, but they will get most (Radio Hack sells Cingular already in some parts of the country).

Oct 19, 2005, 1:10 PM
texaswireless said:
That is actually a good theory. They won't get ALL of that gain, but they will get most (Radio Hack sells Cingular already in some parts of the country).

Now we just need to bank on the Radio Shack employees taking to selling Cingular like they love to sell Verizon. And that will require a great employee plan, as VZW has given them for years.

Oct 20, 2005, 7:28 PM
I stopped working for RadioShack years ago but have kept my Verizon employee plan from them. My account fortunately has slipped by them, but now I hope I don't lose it.

Oct 19, 2005, 1:29 PM
I personally hate Radio Shack, they are so ghetto (not in any kind of good way).

I went in there not too long ago, and there's 3 sales guys clustered around the phone case shootin the breeze and no other customers in the store.

I don't want them all rushin me at once so I say "Don' mind me, I'm just checkin it out." The nearest guy, who's really fat and gots a beard (lets call him "Mr. Ewok") laughs and says, "Uh huh, okay" and looks at me funny, like I just insulted him. Guess he thought I didn't have any money to spend.

Then I ask if they got a particular phone that just came out and they look at me funny again. They don't got a clue to what I'm talking about. Then Mr. Ewok says, "Ohh, THIS is the phone you should get" and holds u...

Oct 19, 2005, 1:52 PM
You are so correct. Verizon is lucky that they are getting rid of Radio Shack. Cingular will be in Radio Shack in January, and since both companies have poor customer service they will get along just fine.

Oct 19, 2005, 2:23 PM
Is that like saying to your drinking buddies, "I didn't like her anyways" after your girlfriend dumps you?

Oct 19, 2005, 2:47 PM
Mmm. Beer.

Oct 20, 2005, 9:08 PM


Oct 19, 2005, 5:51 PM

Oct 19, 2005, 3:01 PM
Everyone has their own Radio Shack horror stories, but somehow they are still the #1 non-direct seller of mobile phones in the country.

I have a good friend who is a manager for them, and he is the one that provided me with the statistics that I quoted in my original post. Even with the horror stories, it is hard to think that they would be anything but good for Cingular.

Oct 19, 2005, 5:45 PM
Hey, as long as *I* don't have to go into their stores, its all good.

Btw, don't really care that they're #1 for now. Wal-Mart's #1 too, but you probably wouldn't want to shop for sharp clothes there.

Oct 19, 2005, 6:16 PM
You are under estimating the importance of retailers of this nature. Wal-Mart and Radio Hack may not sell a ton of TREO 650 handsets, but they do sell a whole bunch of lower priced handsets.

Oct 20, 2005, 12:11 PM
Yeah dats true, there will always be someone makin' a livin' at teh ghetto level. That's Radio Shack all over the place... ghetto n' lovin' it.

They still suck though.

Oct 20, 2005, 2:37 PM
They seem to excel in areas like malls and rural areas where the only other competition would be like Tito's Pawn & Wireless OR Harry & Marge's Stop n' Go & Wireless... Not areas where its over-saturated with corp stores...

Oct 20, 2005, 2:42 PM
Yeah I agree, until Wal-Marts start carrying postpaid wireless, there aren't too many alternatives some places.

Oct 20, 2005, 11:20 AM
Radio Shack is the single largest cellular agent in the world! And they chose to ditch Verizon for Cingular. When that type of decision means a difference in billions of dollars in revenue, i think I can trust Radio Shack. They probably looked into this decision quite a lot. And it is definitely a huge loss for verizon. any regional agent can be replaced, but radio shack is one of the very few national agents, is easily the largest, and is irreplacable

Oct 20, 2005, 11:29 AM
I don't think so, People looking for connectors go to Radio Shack. People looking for major electronics technology go to Circuit City and Best Buy.

Cingular will do as poorly there as they are doing everywhere else. Cingular has issues. The average Joe is catching on. Reputation and reliability perception is king. Cingular is a serf.

Oct 20, 2005, 11:51 AM
that would be true, except for the fact that radio shacks activations added up to more than circuit city and best buy's activations combined in 2004, 2003, 2002, and the years before. its also doing so right now in 2005. the average joe will buy what is best. and when they go to a multiple service seller (like best buy or radio shack) they will get wht is right for them, which probably wont be verizon.

Oct 20, 2005, 12:16 PM
Yo bro, why u pimpin' Radio Shack? There's plenty o' better places to shop:

https://www.phonescoop.com/carriers/forum.php?fm=m&f ... »

Also, last time I was in Best Buy I felt like the sales guy was tryin to steer me towards Verizon for some reason. Don't know why. Maybe the commission is better?

Oct 20, 2005, 12:19 PM
one guys experience and he's ranting. numbers speak better than a moron from wisconson

Oct 20, 2005, 12:23 PM
I'm not from Wisconsin. Why u hatin' bro? On the rag or sumthin?

Oct 20, 2005, 12:25 PM
simply stating that the numbers that the company puts up total is far more important than anything you or i say about them

Oct 20, 2005, 12:28 PM
Hey, I scope that they're popular. How could they not be, they got a store on every corner. All I'm sayin' is that they still suck, which is sumthin a lot of people think, not just me.

You can be really popular and still suck, y'know. Look at McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Britney Spears a few years back...

Oct 20, 2005, 12:33 PM
but everyone still shops at wal-mart, even if they do suck. people still listen to britney, even tho she sucks. people still eat at mcdonalds, even tho they suck. people by windows computers, even tho they have security problems. people buy fords, even tho they suck. people buy lg's, even tho they suck. and people will still buy more cell phones at radio shack than at any other place in the world, even if they suck.

Oct 20, 2005, 12:46 PM
Yeah, I think I kinda covered that already.

Thing is though, if you suck long enough and hard enough (lol), even dumb people begin to catch the clue and start looking elsewhere. I sure won't cry if that happens to the Shack. I think its overdue personally.

Why you love the Shack so much, anyway? They are so very ghetto.

Oct 20, 2005, 1:04 PM
they sell what other people wont in convenient locations and their prices are competitive. and everyone knows they get the job done

Oct 20, 2005, 1:13 PM
ROFL! Thanks bro, you just made me laugh. 😁

I don' mean that in no mean way.

Oct 20, 2005, 5:16 PM
springaf said:
that would be true, except for the fact that radio shacks activations added up to more than circuit city and best buy's activations combined in 2004, 2003, 2002, and the years before.

You are confusing Peoples need for Radio shack to get a Mobile Phone with Verizon,

The ONLY reason Radio Shack is selling more activations is because they are selling Verizon service. A little common sense please.

It's not about Radio Shack. Its about Verizon.

Now Circuit City will lead Radio Shack in activations as people want Verizon and could care less where they get it.

Oct 20, 2005, 5:42 PM
TenMidgits said:
springaf said:
that would be true, except for the fact that radio shacks activations added up to more than circuit city and best buy's activations combined in 2004, 2003, 2002, and the years before.

You are confusing Peoples need for Radio shack to get a Mobile Phone with Verizon,

The ONLY reason Radio Shack is selling more activations is because they are selling Verizon service. A little common sense please.

It's not about Radio Shack. Its about Verizon.

Now Circuit City will lead Radio Shack in activations as people want Verizon and could care less where they get it.

Best Buy's good too. Pricewise, anyway.

Oct 20, 2005, 7:52 PM
No, it won't. Circuit City is nowhere near as convenient as RadioShack is. Heck, I don't even remember the last time I visited a circuit city because I'd have to go out of my way to get to one.

Oct 27, 2005, 10:40 AM
TenMidgits said:
springaf said:
that would be true, except for the fact that radio shacks activations added up to more than circuit city and best buy's activations combined in 2004, 2003, 2002, and the years before.

You are confusing Peoples need for Radio shack to get a Mobile Phone with Verizon,

The ONLY reason Radio Shack is selling more activations is because they are selling Verizon service. A little common sense please.

It's not about Radio Shack. Its about Verizon.

Now Circuit City will lead Radio Shack in activations as people want Verizon and could care less where they get it.

You may be on to something there. Radio Shack sells Sprint as well, righ...

Oct 21, 2005, 8:21 AM
I think the "Average joe" knows he is going to get a better deal from his local/regional sales outlet. I think the numbers bear that out:

your numbers are that RS is the largest national outlet, and that they sold about 500,000 activations last year.

Even if EVERY activation was a Verizon activation (again, your numbers said something like 42% were verizon), this is still a small fraction of Verizon's annual sales.

In 3 quarters this year, Verizon has about 5.2 Mil net adds. Note this is NET ADDS, not total unit sales. upgrades don't count. 500,000 is less than 10% of that.

So, Radio Shacks TOTAL activations last year account for less than 5% of 75% of verizon's sales.

So even if Radio Shack is the largest wireless provide...

Oct 20, 2005, 12:14 PM
TenMidgits said:
I don't think so, People looking for connectors go to Radio Shack. People looking for major electronics technology go to Circuit City and Best Buy.

Then explain why Radio Shack's mobile phone sales have more than doubled either Circuit City or Best Buy in the past 5 years. In fact, Radio Shack has beaten both Circuit City and Best Buy's numbers put together in the past 3 years running (if not longer than that). πŸ™„

Oct 20, 2005, 12:20 PM
dont worry, he's just pissed that verizon numbers will go down. 🀣

Oct 20, 2005, 12:47 PM
springaf said:
dont worry, he's just pissed that verizon numbers will go down. 🀣

No, he is truly the most hypocritical person I have seen since Nextel18. He backpedals more than a 12 speed racing bike in going in reverse. 🀣 😎 🀣

Oct 20, 2005, 2:10 PM
nice 😎

Oct 20, 2005, 5:30 PM
SForsyth01 said:
TenMidgits said:
I don't think so, People looking for connectors go to Radio Shack. People looking for major electronics technology go to Circuit City and Best Buy.

Then explain why Radio Shack's mobile phone sales have more than doubled either Circuit City or Best Buy in the past 5 years. In fact, Radio Shack has beaten both Circuit City and Best Buy's numbers put together in the past 3 years running (if not longer than that). πŸ™„

Easy one there bubba, Because Radio shack sold Verizon. Watch and learn.

Oct 20, 2005, 5:32 PM
this i agree with. verizon is a big part of their subscriber signups. (radio shack i mean)

i think that they will get hurt when verizon isnt there. (radio shack i mean)

Oct 20, 2005, 5:35 PM
nextel18 said:
this i agree with. verizon is a big part of their subscriber signups. (radio shack i mean)

i think that they will get hurt when verizon isn't there. (radio shack i mean)

OFCOURSE they will. I cannot believe the Cingular fans think it has anything at all to do with Radio Shack. But then again considering Cingular's trend if this is employee logic God help them. Verizon will be the only national carrier in less then 5 years at these rates.

Oct 20, 2005, 5:43 PM
Yea, that is a true statement and I agree with it, however, could that change once cingular gets hsdpa?

Oct 20, 2005, 5:46 PM
I have a feeling a lot of things are going to be changing when integration is complete, HSDPA is rolled out on a large scale, and Cingular can actually put their attention back into the great marketing strategies they've been known to utilize in the past.

Oct 20, 2005, 5:57 PM
I asked a simply question TX lol.. I asked would that change, that radio shack will suffer without Verizon wireless anymore, when they will launch hsdpa?

It is a simple yes or no.

Oct 20, 2005, 6:06 PM
You're always asking for opinions, so you got one. Live with it.

And since it was so hard for you to derive an answer from my response, it was a yes. πŸ™„

Oct 20, 2005, 6:27 PM
I actually am in a unique position because my store sells Verizon and we happen to be a couple doors down from Radio Shack. I've spoken to the manager a couple of times and he said that he can already foresee the headaches that not selling Verizon is gonna cause him. However, this is only going to benefit my store. When a customer goes seeking for Verizon activations, they'll learn that Radio Shack no longer sells Verizon at which point they will be directed to my store. I can't wait 😁

Oct 20, 2005, 6:44 PM
how do you figure? they can just order it through their online or telphone sales channels.
Hello Moto

Oct 20, 2005, 7:53 PM
But... there are a LOT of people that do not like ordering online or on the phone...

Oct 20, 2005, 6:27 PM
I didn’t have to decipher through your coded message what the ultimate answer is and all I wanted is was a yes or no.

The question was a simple one basically saying yes or no. (I worded it that way)

You and TX are the exact same people by attacking people if they don’t ask or say it right as you guys want it to be said. Oh well.

Oct 20, 2005, 6:41 PM
nextel18 said:
You and TX are the exact same people by attacking people if they don’t ask or say it right as you guys want it to be said. Oh well.

Kind of hypocritical, don't you think? You just got done complaining about my answer being more elaborate than you would have liked. 🀣

Oct 20, 2005, 6:51 PM
I don’t attack people like the ways you and him do it to others and myself.

All I asked was for a yes or no answer that was it and now you are making a big deal out of it. Do you have anything else to do? Lol .

Oct 20, 2005, 6:57 PM
I don't attack others, only you. πŸ˜‰

Who is making a big deal out of it again? I don't recall being the one that complained because somebody answered my question with more detail than I would have liked. 😎

Oct 20, 2005, 7:00 PM
If you only attack just me it is quite sad because it proves that you have nothing else to do. Anyway, you are making a big deal out of it. All I asked for was a yes or no answer then you are making it into a big deal. That is your end and your problem why you are extending it the way that it is. I guess that is your forte.

I think you should try to go out more instead of spending it all the time on here. πŸ™‚

Oct 20, 2005, 7:07 PM
Okay, since when is elaborating on an answer making a big deal out of something? If you go back and read my post you will notice that it is entirely non-threatening. I'll even post the link for you:

https://www.phonescoop.com/carriers/forum.php?fm=m&f ... »

Now re-read your response:

https://www.phonescoop.com/carriers/forum.php?fm=m&f ... »

Right, now who was making a big deal out of nothing?

Trust me, I spend a lot less time on these forums than you do, and you're the only person on these forums who is truly ignorant enough to be worth "attacking". Most others act as normal humans do.

By the way, isn't suggesting that a person needs to get out, in a sense, "attacking" them? Thought so.

Oct 20, 2005, 7:17 PM
I am not making any big deal out of anything. I was just asking if things will improve based on that, you said things might change and you didn’t say whether it will be a good change or a bad change. (that word changing was a big vague)
You are making a big deal out of it because you have extending the post and replies more then it was supposed to be.
You attack me more then you think you do and you admitted a while ago that you did too. That is why I say you have no life and you should go out. (that and to TX because you guys seem to be doing the same to everyone and to me)

You spend less time on here then me? HAHHAAHHA now that is funny. I don’t think that is the case, my friend.

β€œand you're the only person on these forums wh...

Oct 20, 2005, 7:19 PM
nextel18 said:
You spend less time on here then me? HAHHAAHHA now that is funny. I don’t think that is the case, my friend.

https://www.phonescoop.com/carriers/forum.php?fm=m&f ... »


Oct 20, 2005, 7:18 PM
Do me a favor and click on my name, go to my forum messages, and check out my last message (closest to the bottom). You'll see that it was from October 13th.

Now do me another favor and click on your name, go to your forum messages, and check out your last message. You'll see that it was from today.


And I'm the one that needs to get out more because I spend too much time on these forums. 🀣

Oct 20, 2005, 7:28 PM
Actually your last post, other than today, was actually October 16 which was a Sunday.

β€œRe: cingular maintenance
Sunday, 9:47 PM
in the Cingular forum
Why don't you start off by proving that they don't? 😳
Re: New York City?????
Sunday, 5:52 PM
in the News: Cingular 3G To Launch November 1 forum
Easy. Its too risky. Does it make sense to make an initial launch of a technology that hasn't had time to be "tested" on a broad scale? No. If something went wrong with the launch their reputation in that huge market would be marred. So they'll wait until round two or three of the launch to make sure everything is running smoothly until HSDPA is made available in a market like NYC.
Re: missing the point? -PS
Sunday, 5:48 PM
in the ...

Oct 20, 2005, 7:36 PM
Sorry that you can't read numbers, it was the 13th and you very well know it. Even if it was the 16th, it proves that I spend less time on these forums than you do. Just face it.

It intrigues me how you always end your petty arguments with "you're on here more than me, so I have to go now because I have a life". It never fails, your bullshit tank always goes empty.


Oct 26, 2005, 3:09 AM
Anyone who thinks Radioshack will suffer because it gave up Verizon is either young or naive.
It's much like saying McDonald's business will suffer because they choose a different meat distributor. People go to McDonalds for a hamburger. They don't care where the meat comes from.
Radio Shack's name and reputation is Wireless. People go to Radio Shack to buy a wireless phone. If Radio Shack sells them, they will be bought.

Oct 26, 2005, 3:22 AM
CamelTowing said:
Radio Shack's name and reputation is Wireless. People go to Radio Shack to buy a wireless phone. If Radio Shack sells them, they will be bought.

Radio Shacks' name is crap, and their rep is crap.
People go to one because there's one near them aaaaand... thats about it. Oh, and sometimes the prices are a'ight, though I do see places like Best Buy beatin' them more and more.

Radio Shack is basically the Wal-Mart of wireless. They got a lotta stores, but its not the best place to shop.

Oct 26, 2005, 1:39 PM
SystemShock said:
CamelTowing said:
Radio Shack's name and reputation is Wireless. People go to Radio Shack to buy a wireless phone. If Radio Shack sells them, they will be bought.

Radio Shacks' name is crap, and their rep is crap.
People go to one because there's one near them aaaaand... thats about it. Oh, and sometimes the prices are a'ight, though I do see places like Best Buy beatin' them more and more.

Radio Shack is basically the Wal-Mart of wireless. They got a lotta stores, but its not the best place to shop.

I guess that's why they sell more wireless phones than all other 3rd party dealers combined. Because they are "crap". πŸ™„
Radioshack is almost si...

Oct 26, 2005, 3:16 PM
LOL, I'm young, but I sure ain't naive. You sound like you might be though.

I mean, you NEVER heard of something bein' popular and crap at the same time? Ok then, howzabout

Britney Spears?
The Spice Girls?
Fast food?
Hyundai in the '90s?
Michael Bolton?
The movie Titanic?
Daytime soap operas?
Asbestos (b4 they knew it was bad)?
Lead-based paint (ditto)?
The Pet Rock?
Fattening, heart-clogging snacks (infinite varieties/brands)?

I love mi America, but its pretty much BUILT on stuff that's popular and crappy at the same time. Radio Hack is just one more example.

Oct 26, 2005, 4:19 PM
Just because you may not like it doesn't mean that is their reputation. Thank the gods that most of america does not feel as you do.

It is called demographics. Many in America grew up with Radio Shack and they decidedly shop there for many products. If you want to rip them for not having good reps, well all sales channels have their share of bad reps.

Oct 26, 2005, 6:28 PM
texaswireless said:
Just because you may not like it doesn't mean that is their reputation. Thank the gods that most of america does not feel as you do.

How do you know what most of America feels? Didja do a study? Just because they sell a lot doesn't mean that most people think they're really great. A lot of people eat fast food, but I bet if you surveyed them, the majority wouldn't tell ya that fast food was particularly good.

Look bros, no need 2 be touchy about this. Radio Hack does indeed suck, but just like Wal-Mart, it'll continue to sell a lot of stuff regardless, cus they got a store on every corner. That's the American Way, for good or bad.

Oct 26, 2005, 1:45 PM
i agree 100 percent!

Oct 27, 2005, 11:11 AM
CamelTowing said:
Anyone who thinks Radioshack will suffer because it gave up Verizon is either young or naive.
It's much like saying McDonald's business will suffer because they choose a different meat distributor. People go to McDonalds for a hamburger. They don't care where the meat comes from.
Radio Shack's name and reputation is Wireless. People go to Radio Shack to buy a wireless phone. If Radio Shack sells them, they will be bought.

Ask Coke how New Coke worked out. You don't just change something that worked and expect the same results. People bought Verizon(brand name and reputation) from Radio Shack. If they were going into Radio Shack for just a phone, how come they didn't sell more Sprint ...

Oct 27, 2005, 11:22 AM
trevor83 said:
CamelTowing said:
Anyone who thinks Radioshack will suffer because it gave up Verizon is either young or naive.
It's much like saying McDonald's business will suffer because they choose a different meat distributor. People go to McDonalds for a hamburger. They don't care where the meat comes from.
Radio Shack's name and reputation is Wireless. People go to Radio Shack to buy a wireless phone. If Radio Shack sells them, they will be bought.

Ask Coke how New Coke worked out. You don't just change something that worked and expect the same results. People bought Verizon(brand name and reputation) from Radio Shack. If they were going into Radio Shack for just a phone, how

Oct 27, 2005, 11:33 AM
SForsyth01 said:
trevor83 said:
CamelTowing said:
Anyone who thinks Radioshack will suffer because it gave up Verizon is either young or naive.
It's much like saying McDonald's business will suffer because they choose a different meat distributor. People go to McDonalds for a hamburger. They don't care where the meat comes from.
Radio Shack's name and reputation is Wireless. People go to Radio Shack to buy a wireless phone. If Radio Shack sells them, they will be bought.

Ask Coke how New Coke worked out. You don't just change something that worked and expect the same results. People bought Verizon(brand name and reputation) from Radio Shack. If they were going i

Oct 27, 2005, 11:38 AM
From what I understand from a guy I know who's a wireless rep, it was jus' a money thing.

Verizon was willin' to offer Radio Shack only so much money cus they had other options like Best Buy, Circuit City, Costco, etc, and Radio Shack knew it. Cingular stepped in offerin' a whole lot more bling, so RS went that route. Verizon waved adios and that was that.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:42 AM
SystemShock said:
From what I understand from a guy I know who's a wireless rep, it was jus' a money thing.

Verizon was willin' to offer Radio Shack only so much money cus they had other options like Best Buy, Circuit City, Costco, etc, and Radio Shack knew it. Cingular stepped in offerin' a whole lot more bling, so RS went that route. Verizon waved adios and that was that.

Cingular took that "extra" money from the pocets of their sales reps as I read thay are taking huge cuts in commission. Amazing.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:45 AM
TenMidgits said:
SystemShock said:
From what I understand from a guy I know who's a wireless rep, it was jus' a money thing.

Verizon was willin' to offer Radio Shack only so much money cus they had other options like Best Buy, Circuit City, Costco, etc, and Radio Shack knew it. Cingular stepped in offerin' a whole lot more bling, so RS went that route. Verizon waved adios and that was that.

Cingular took that "extra" money from the pocets of their sales reps as I read thay are taking huge cuts in commission. Amazing.

I would doubt that is the case. I'm sure the commission schedule is based on revenues generated from RS sales. Why would Cingular take money away from ...

Oct 27, 2005, 11:51 AM
TenMidgits said:
SystemShock said:
Verizon was willin' to offer Radio Shack only so much money cus they had other options like Best Buy, Circuit City, Costco, etc, and Radio Shack knew it. Cingular stepped in offerin' a whole lot more bling, so RS went that route. Verizon waved adios and that was that.

Cingular took that "extra" money from the pocets of their sales reps as I read thay are taking huge cuts in commission. Amazing.

Hum, I didn't think o' that. Cingular reppies are gonna get hit twice maybe. Once by the commission cuts, and again with the increased competition from Radio Hack.

Sure some might say that Radio Hack isn't gonna steal sales from the places that a...

Oct 27, 2005, 3:15 PM
TenMidgits said:
SystemShock said:
From what I understand from a guy I know who's a wireless rep, it was jus' a money thing.

Verizon was willin' to offer Radio Shack only so much money cus they had other options like Best Buy, Circuit City, Costco, etc, and Radio Shack knew it. Cingular stepped in offerin' a whole lot more bling, so RS went that route. Verizon waved adios and that was that.

Cingular took that "extra" money from the pocets of their sales reps as I read thay are taking huge cuts in commission. Amazing.

The "cuts" you are talking about are cuts to what AT&T reps used to make. Cingular reps have received no cuts from my understanding. I guess Cingular did...

Oct 27, 2005, 11:38 AM
trevor83 said:
SForsyth01 said:
trevor83 said:
CamelTowing said:
Anyone who thinks Radioshack will suffer because it gave up Verizon is either young or naive.
It's much like saying McDonald's business will suffer because they choose a different meat distributor. People go to McDonalds for a hamburger. They don't care where the meat comes from.
Radio Shack's name and reputation is Wireless. People go to Radio Shack to buy a wireless phone. If Radio Shack sells them, they will be bought.

Ask Coke how New Coke worked out. You don't just change something that worked and expect the same results. People bought Verizon(brand name and reputation) from

Oct 27, 2005, 11:41 AM
Thank you both for the info. As previously stated it was just a money deal. This should be interesting to watch. Could be good for Cingular/RS or............. it could be a spectactular train wreck.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:52 AM
trevor83 said:
Thank you both for the info. As previously stated it was just a money deal. This should be interesting to watch. Could be good for Cingular/RS or............. it could be a spectacular train wreck.

You missed one..

This could be Great for Sprint. I see Sprint as the winner because they are STILL there. Cingular is the new boy on the block. RS sales peps know much more about Sprint. They will have to lie more pretending to know about Cingular.

and then there is Cingular as a company replacing Verizon. Yeah RS Reps will have to lie.....Walk into a RS and ask where Verizon is. I bet they will trash Verizon. They already did here when I went and asked why Verizon was gone. Its will be fu...

Oct 20, 2005, 5:40 PM
TenMidgits said:
SForsyth01 said:
Then explain why Radio Shack's mobile phone sales have more than doubled either Circuit City or Best Buy in the past 5 years. In fact, Radio Shack has beaten both Circuit City and Best Buy's numbers put together in the past 3 years running (if not longer than that). πŸ™„

Easy one there bubba, Because Radio shack sold Verizon. Watch and learn.

Y'know, I really didn't even think of that. Good point bro.

Oct 20, 2005, 2:33 PM
Radio shack does 500K activations a quarter. That is from their corporate earnings.

Oct 20, 2005, 6:24 PM
I'm sure Cingular had to pay them to carry their brand of phones in all Radio Shack's stores. I don't think it was a decision to kick out Verizon.

Oct 20, 2005, 6:41 PM
This is what prudential has to say about this matter.

β€œWhile we believe the loss of VZ is a modest negative, as it remains the number one wireless service provider, the improved economic terms, new technologies, and the expansion opportunities outweigh downside for RSH, in our view”

this is what Standards and poors says about this…
β€œIn December, RSH's contract with Verizon Wireless will expire, and RSH will no longer sell Verizon products and services in its stores. Meanwhile, under a new recently announced contract, RSH plans to introduce Cingular into its stores in January 2006. Our sell recommendation is largely based on our view of execution risk regarding this transition, which will take place in the critical holiday selli...

Oct 27, 2005, 10:58 AM
Sounds like Sprint will benefit in the short term.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:19 AM
Numbers can't lie.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:22 AM
texaswireless said:
Numbers can't lie.

You seem to forget they are selling Crapular now!

This will hurt Radio Shack not help Cingular. I have to applaud your confidence though if not your blindness. SPRINT is doing better. Would you have though that a year ago? Nope

Oct 27, 2005, 11:23 AM
No but they can be miscontrued. How many of the 500K were Sprint and how many Verizon?

Oct 27, 2005, 11:27 AM
IT doesn't matter. Sprint sold more then Verizon. Don't you get it. This is GREAT for Sprint, not Cingular. If Sprint did well against Verizon, they will cream Cingular in sales there. More people are opting for Sprint. Many of them former Cingular/ATT customers. You see there is no alternative for GSM other then T Mobile which is not considered a national carrier. A great "regional carrier" nationally though. Sort of like Cingular in Texas.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:31 AM
TenMidgits said:
IT doesn't matter. Sprint sold more then Verizon. Don't you get it. This is GREAT for Sprint, not Cingular. If Sprint did well against Verizon, they will cream Cingular in sales there. More people are opting for Sprint. Many of them former Cingular/ATT customers. You see there is no alternative for GSM other then T Mobile which is not considered a national carrier. A great "regional carrier" nationally though. Sort of like Cingular in Texas.

It DOES matter. If more of the sales were VZW it was likely people were there to buy VZW service. So what does Radio Shack do to combat, "I'm here to buy a Verizon phone?" The brand and reputation likely drove people to RS.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:37 AM
trevor83 said:
TenMidgits said:
IT doesn't matter. Sprint sold more then Verizon. Don't you get it. This is GREAT for Sprint, not Cingular. If Sprint did well against Verizon, they will cream Cingular in sales there. More people are opting for Sprint. Many of them former Cingular/ATT customers. You see there is no alternative for GSM other then T Mobile which is not considered a national carrier. A great "regional carrier" nationally though. Sort of like Cingular in Texas.

It DOES matter. If more of the sales were VZW it was likely people were there to buy VZW service. So what does Radio Shack do to combat, "I'm here to buy a Verizon phone?" The brand and reputation likely drove peop

Oct 19, 2005, 12:15 PM
nextel18 said:
"Cingular said it added 867,000 net subscribers in the quarter, raising its total to 52.3 million.

any opinions?

Humkay, so you say Cingular got like 867K new customers last quarter right?

But I remember readsing somewhere that Verizon is getting like 1.9 million new customers a quarter. Like more than double what Cingular is getting.

So what I don't get is, I thought Cingular was doing really well. I mean I see all the TV commercials about raising the bar, n' all that, and they talk about how they merged with AT&T, so you'd think they'd have twice the coverage of anyone else.

But now you tellin me that Verizon is just flat workin' them? When did that go down? And how are they doin...

Oct 19, 2005, 12:19 PM
i dont say that... the press release said that. but yes, that is true they only got 867k subscribers, which in my opinion, is horrible.

verizon got 1.9 million which is truly amazing and they have been doing well for 2 straight quarters.

cingular actually has been going downhill when it comes to subscriber growth with these last 3 quarters. (i think ever since the merger was closed it has been going downhill) i think the integration has been a problem so perhaps many customers are leaving or maybe many customers (new ones) arent signing up with them becuase of the confusion. (or perhaps its seasonality problems. or perhaps verizon is stealing the marketshare from them )

twice the coverage? not neccessarily. they could have it on ...

Oct 19, 2005, 1:06 PM
I am surprised by this Nextel18. Haven't you ever heard of a pullback in marketing?

The goal of ANY company is to make money. Pissing contests are a side issue mainly discussed by people like you.

Data ARPU is increasing, Voice ARPU is still better than average, Churn is being reduced and their profitability is going up.

I see the changes internally. They want to clean stuff up. They are thinking long term, not short term (quarter to quarter). In a year when everything is nice and clean and streamlined they can re-focus on adds as well as quality. Being on the outside you do not see the restrictions they are placing on distribution. For good quality agents the changes had already been implemented but the lesser quality agents...

Oct 19, 2005, 2:10 PM
You have made a good point. Cingular is trying to clean up the sales channels. Some agents have not been providing a good customer experience. that is the number one goal right now is to give customers a better experience and do the job right the first time throughout customer service and sales and distribution. Cingular is not trying to have record add-ons right now it would be nice but the number one priority is customer retention and fixing internal issues.

Oct 19, 2005, 2:20 PM
And people outside of Cingular don't get that, although $550 million in pre-hurricane and merger related costs in profit should help bring the point to bear.

What they are doing is working.

Verizon and Cingular are both in different cycles right now. Verizon is blowing up in distribution and Cingular is tightening theirs.

Oct 20, 2005, 10:57 AM
These are all very good points. However, to "clean up" the sales channels, the last thing Cingular should be doing is cutting the pay and commissions of sales reps. Change all the policies, procedures, and focus areas you wish, but just dont change a man's pay for the worse. The more bitter reps are, the worse the quality to the customer is going to be!

Oct 20, 2005, 11:30 AM
I didn't think customer service could get any worse. 🀣

Oct 20, 2005, 11:39 AM
This has been discussed at length in the past. As ARPU drops you get drops in commission, period.

There is still money to be made in features, you just have to change the way you sell and learn data (which is the new growth area).

Commissions have been dropping in this industry for more than a decade. That has nothing to do with this cleanup.

Oct 20, 2005, 11:49 AM
Blue reps werent supposed to have their commission structures touched throughout all of 2005, per merger by-laws. But thats asides the point, bc legacy Orange reps are hurting as well.

Ive been in the game for more than 3 years with this company. I've always had 55+ subs, great feature and accessory revenues, etc. Going from $60,000+ per year to trending to be $35,000 is too drastic in too short of a time to chalk up to ARPU. Yes, ARPU is down by $1.00, but features up by $4.00. So the money is in features? Then why cut the feature pay in half? (10 $9.99 SMS packs used to be $99.99 in commission pay. Now 20 $9.99 SMS packs = the same amount, which means working twice as hard for what we made before). Not an easy concept to motivate.

Oct 20, 2005, 2:18 PM
Sounds like you were getting drastically overpaid for your job.

This has nothing to do with you personally. But if you were getting paid $60K I am not surprised ATTWS was losing money. Over the last 13 years average reps made $24K to $30K per year with top reps making $40K.

Sorry to burst your bubble but NO carrier is going to pay you $60K for that job.

Oct 20, 2005, 7:18 PM
Verizon pays that...

Oct 20, 2005, 7:21 PM
Verizon does not pay $60K per year for sales reps in CA or TX.

Oct 20, 2005, 7:26 PM
A good salesperson in the Northeast will get that. Anyone making less than mid-40s is probably on the way to a demotion.

Oct 20, 2005, 7:31 PM
Northeast where?

Oct 20, 2005, 7:34 PM
I worked in Mass until about a year and a half ago and I still know people who work for them in CT, PA, and NY.

Oct 20, 2005, 7:36 PM
I got out before they really cut commissions to where they are now. Top reps made a LOT more than that when I started...

Oct 20, 2005, 7:37 PM
And they all make $60k huh? That is pretty damn good. You have to be pretty much the top rep in a region to make that in this part of the country. I'm talking $4K in commissions month in and month out.

Oct 20, 2005, 7:43 PM
texaswireless said:
And they all make $60k huh? That is pretty damn good. You have to be pretty much the top rep in a region to make that in this part of the country. I'm talking $4K in commissions month in and month out.

Not all of them. I know top reps who make 10-20k more than that, reps who aren't going anywhere who make 10-20k less. Maybe it's more expensive to live here? Dunno... I always thought CA was pretty expensive too?

Oct 20, 2005, 10:45 PM
It may be, but it doesn't mean they pay very much.

Unfortunately it is supply and demand. Lots of people can have little or no formal education. Being a warm body is often the only requirement.

Oct 20, 2005, 6:49 PM
I work in orange customer care and I just got past 30,000 after a few years on the job. To think that u are ever going to see 60,000 again is wishful thinking. Our area mangers in customer service make about that much.

Oct 26, 2005, 2:34 AM
All the more reason for him to go looking at other carriers to work for (which he's been doing).

Oct 20, 2005, 12:21 PM
BluetoOrange22 said:
However, to "clean up" the sales channels, the last thing Cingular should be doing is cutting the pay and commissions of sales reps. Change all the policies, procedures, and focus areas you wish, but just dont change a man's pay for the worse. The more bitter reps are, the worse the quality to the customer is going to be!

That makes sense. I don' want no pissed off guy or guy who doesn't care trying to sell me s***.

You don't gotta smile n' hump my leg or nothin', but if you're disgruntled or disinterested, I'm outta there. Life's too short n' all that.

Oct 20, 2005, 12:27 PM
Very true.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:01 AM
We'll see how it looks after the cleanup.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:21 AM
texaswireless said:
We'll see how it looks after the cleanup.

No. 2

Oct 27, 2005, 11:26 AM
trevor83 said:
texaswireless said:
We'll see how it looks after the cleanup.

No. 2

You think they're gonna lose No. 1 to Verizon? Or maybe Sprint-Nextel?

Oct 27, 2005, 11:28 AM
SystemShock said:
trevor83 said:
texaswireless said:
We'll see how it looks after the cleanup.

No. 2

You think they're gonna lose No. 1 to Verizon? Or maybe Sprint-Nextel?

Now that was just plain mean. Don't kick a guy when he's down already. πŸ˜› 😁

Oct 27, 2005, 11:30 AM
Wasn't trying to be mean. What, does Sprint-Nextel suck or something? 😁

Oct 27, 2005, 11:35 AM
SystemShock said:
Wasn't trying to be mean. What, does Sprint-Nextel suck or something? 😁

😳 πŸ˜‰ 😁

Oct 27, 2005, 6:32 PM
Still don' get it. Oh well.

Oct 27, 2005, 11:32 AM
OF course! Cingular will be number three. By the time the mess is cleaned up Sprint and Nextel will have a joint network and the best PTT in the nation. Verizon will continue to ad more customers at record numbers as more people on the street say " I have Verizon and am happy."

Cingular will have a few great phones. But Verizon and Sprint are competing in that area as well even with the crippled BT. Just goes to show people want a reliable network more then the ability to create their own goofy ringtones. I myself prefer my own MP3 ring tones but rather have a reliable network. One can apparently hack the BT on a Verizon phone if so inclined

Oct 27, 2005, 11:13 AM
Yeah They are "cleaning up" unfortunately cleaning out customers as well. Now THATS what I call cleaning house.

Their arrogance is not lost thinking they can regain customers from Verizon or even Sprint. 1.9 million people alone in the last two quarters are in the streets touting up verizon. 897K people are giving cingular a thumbs up...no wait over twice as many as Verizon will end up leaving.....

Not a good day to be selling Cingular product. Radio Shack or not. I just has an experience when signg up with RS for Verizon. The guy lied to me and told me he would "waive the activation fees" LOL. Found out those fees come on the first BILL and are from Verizon!

Good luck with those guys Cingular........ 🀣

Oct 27, 2005, 11:06 AM

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