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At&t to Alltel Info


Aug 17, 2005, 1:24 AM
I am one of the step-children oklahoma att customers who has put up with terrible GSM service over the last 4-5 months. I have watched this forum and listened to all parties. I took the adivce and waited to change to Alltel's CDMA service when the new phones would be offered to the former att customers. I got 3 Kyocera kx 440's on Aug 7th and I haven't looked back since. I have service where I never had before and have yet to drop a call or have a call roll over to voice mail because of no signal. The T2T is unbelievable! My business partner left for San Antonio Monday and T2T'd me on and off during the whole trip with no problems. So far I am extremely happy and glad that I waited. My plan and service package is a few dollars chaper ...

Aug 17, 2005, 3:06 PM
Well I am happy to hear another satisfied customer. I have been selling Alltel for over 2 years now and I must say I have been happy selling them as well. I hope everything stays good for you in the long run. Look forward to better service as the days come and better phones

Aug 17, 2005, 8:53 PM
Glad to hear you like the new network just wait it will get even better!! HOpe you enjoy it!

Aug 22, 2005, 4:51 PM
I'm glad you are impressed but I moved from OKC to Tulsa and there isn't an Alltell store near me. The phone selection is pathetic and Customer Service won't tell me if I will have service in Tulsa and not roaming. Plus to receive the plan I had with ATTWS, I have to pay $10 more than what I was paying before hand. I don't fracking think so. CustServ won't tell me if they will budge or not, they just get quiet on the other end of the line.

Aug 22, 2005, 7:49 PM
Problem is though no one will offer the plans that At&t was offering from what I have heard. Now if you have a greater freedom I have seen that the map with alltel will cover the whole state and actually it had a large coverage area and if I were a betting man you would not be charged for roaming in Tulsa either. YOu will roam whenever you leave your local area and that is the same with sprint and verizon. Flashing roam is good and Tulsa is in the national freedom list of major cities. Hopefully that will help.

Aug 22, 2005, 9:04 PM
Bail out if you want it appears it won't cost you but I think if you give it a little time you will end up with the best wireless provider period. I am not a sales rep I am a customer who has tried them all and found Alltel to be the best!

http://www.channeloklahoma.com/news/4744139/detail.html »

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