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Mar 28, 2005, 9:19 PM
Alltel Rocks! They have launched EV DO as of today in three markets which is three more than Sprint PCS has to their credit! I don't have Alltel as my provider and they don't offer service in Chicago but I do use them on the America's Choice plan with Verizon and would have to say that they are an asset to Verizon Wireless and we the customer of VZW. I commend Alltel for launching EV DO when carriers much larger haven't, try this product if you have a laptop and you will be impressed. I have found that the speeds are much faster than advertised (up to 3.5mps with compression software). I hope that Alltel launches more markets VZW and Alltel customers can start using each others networks. This message brought to you by the Power of EV DO ...

Mar 29, 2005, 6:20 PM
hey. this seems like a promising product for alltel's areas. should be interesting.

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