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Nokia 6585 phone with Alltel. It DOES work.


Mar 2, 2005, 4:04 PM
I received my new Nokia 6585 today and the Alltel guy programmed it in 3 or 4 minutes, works great. This is an awesome little Nokia and it WILL work with Alltel. I was tired of the 3585i and this phone is much smaller and better looking. Anyone who isn't into the flip phones buy this one. I got mine new on eBay for $150.00 and there is another guy who sells them (netfreeze) for around $200 all the time.
Alltel does not have many choices, so if you are looking for something better try this one out!

Mar 2, 2005, 6:12 PM
Have you been out of your home area to see what the indicates when you roaming.

My Nokia 6015i went to solid triangle, phone worked and I was not charged for roaming.

Let us know if the phones has any other quirks.

Mar 3, 2005, 7:40 AM
I have not been out of my home area but it is something that I am going to keep my eyes peeled for as far as roaming.
This seems to be a very popular phone with Verizon users also and seems to have good reviews by what I have read.
Keep you posted!.....

Mar 11, 2005, 1:21 AM
Be sure your "sins" will find you out. Hehehe!

Wait 'til you get that next bill with all that roaming!!!!

(Then again maybe not.)

O.K., however, I was told that the rep's could only put an Alltel phone on an Alltel plan.
He must have been a nice guy/girl to do so.

That's customer service!
Even though the company may frown on it, cust. service is out goal!

So "bending" a rule now and then, well.....shhhh!

www.wirelessimports.com has many phones that are CDMA ready, a nice person may put on on your service.
The prices are very high tho'. Just a link you can look at if you want to.

Mar 11, 2005, 7:52 AM
No problem on the ROAMING end at all. At least not in my area. I talked to this guy before I ever purchased this phone so I felt pretty positive he could help out, which he was able to do in just a few minutes.

Also when I access my Alltel account online it shows my phone as the 6585, so it does not have to be registered as a 3585 or something similar.

It's all in who is willing to help you because it CAN be done. Also the guy who helped me out had a busineess that did other providers and not just Alltel. That was probably the kicker. He didn't have to be "dedicated" to Alltel. There phones suck anyhow......

Mar 11, 2005, 7:58 AM
BTW if you register your Alltel account online you can check your minutes usage and it's all broken down if you are in question about roaming or any other usage.

She's all right there in black and white 😲

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