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Any GOOD camera phones from Alltel?


Jul 12, 2007, 8:16 AM
I am an avid amateur photographer. As such, I carry a camera with me most everywhere I go. On my hip is a cell phone. Shall the two ever meet?

IOW, I'd like a GOOD camera phone. My service with Alltel is fine, but their camera phone options are less than desirable. I'm not looking for a Nokia N95 (even though that would be great), but I'd like something better than the crappy 1.3MP offered now.

Secondary question: If Alltel doesn't offer a good 3MP or better phone, do you know of an unlocked model I could have them program for their network? I have read a little about the Samsung SCH-A990. Would that one work?

Current info:
National Freedom 900
Shared amongst 4 family members
My phone: Moto V710


Jul 12, 2007, 8:26 AM
Sorry about the bold text in the message. I was trying to emphasize GOOD, not make the entire message bold. My apologies!

Jul 12, 2007, 10:12 AM
The best that Alltel offers right now is the 1.3 MP camera. Although, in the 3rd quarter of this year Alltel is releasing the Razr 2 V9m. It is equipped with a 2mp camera.

Also, I would try and stay away from the unlocked CDMA phones. Reason: Unless the phone can be flashed to put Alltel UI and Programming the phone will never work right. You would be able to make and receive phone calls but that is it. Text messages will have a hard time coming in and out, and you can say goodbye to mobile web.

With the new technology now-a-days you can't tell what will be next. Just give Alltel a little time. One day they will learn to keep up with the Joneses'!

Hope I helped!

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