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I'm an ALLTEL man now - I need some tips...


Oct 28, 2004, 9:28 PM
Ok, first of all the main question I have is this.... can you do the Wal-Mart.com trick with ALLTEL like you can with Verizon... if you don't know what I'm talking about - with VZ you can save midi's to your comp from Wal-Mart.com and send them to yourself as a message and utilize them as ringtones.... so.. if it's a universal cheat I'll be sooooo delighted... if not, I'll have to wait for ALLTEL to get on the bus because this company is Verizon's lacky for sure... I can tell you that much... I've been in training for 4 weeks and they've all but come out and said that without VZ their National Freedom pack would be nonexistent... But, for some reason they pay more than VZ does.. So I jumped ship.... Anyhoot - the midi trick is all I have for...

Oct 29, 2004, 12:40 PM
Tell me more about this midi trick and how it works?

Oct 29, 2004, 8:41 PM
basically, with a VZ phone you can go to Wal-Mart.com and right click, save target as "midi" instead of ".wav" and then send it from your pc to your handset over email to yournumber@vzwpix.com but I was wondering if anyone knew if it would work with ALLTEL.

Jan 27, 2005, 9:36 AM
I can't get it to work. ☹️
Cellular Dude

Feb 7, 2005, 9:34 AM
Sounds to me like a job at wal-mart would be more your style. Your lack of respect for the employer that writes your paycheck and lack of dignity regarding your "free" ring-tone scam highlights your character as someone that should be wearing the blue smock.

Feb 7, 2005, 11:45 PM
what? did that even count as any kind of burn? I worked for alltel for like a week while I trained them on a partnership with VZ... get off my chode man! saying I work for the Wal-Monster..... come on... you could have at least called my momma fat or something... geez.

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