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Oct 8, 2006, 6:44 PM
Does anyone know if the i850 has reception problems? I've had people tell me I'm breaking up or fading out, and when I look at it, it has 1, 2, or even 3 bars of signal strength. The same people always said I was crystal clear on my old i530, even in places with no bars at all. I still really like that old phone...sweet looking with the yellow and black, and always worked very well...too bad they discontinued it. It's like 'the' Nextel phone.

Oct 8, 2006, 6:46 PM
i have never heard of such issues usually the 850 is a very reliable phone so maybe yours just has issues

Oct 8, 2006, 10:41 PM
Yeah, it probably is just mine. For as much as I paid for it, there better not be any issues. Eh, who knows, live with it I guess.
Cell Tech

Oct 19, 2006, 7:59 PM
Well, I can tell you it is probably the phone, and most likely a manufacturer defect, as long as you have not damaged it-ie. Water or crushing. You can take the phone to a Service Center in your area and get it replaced for $35.00 and they will handle all the warranty issues for you and have you in and out in about an hour- This is the nice thing about nextel get your phone fixed in about an hour and your on the road- call before you drive and make sure they have it in stock for service replacement. OR you can send it to moto yourself and you will be out the phone for 7-14 days for free. I think the choice is obvious.

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