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Nextel, Time to Join?


Sep 29, 2006, 5:12 PM
Is this a good time to join Nextel or is it better to wait? Also when will the i880 be released?
And is it better to join sprint then nextel?

Sep 29, 2006, 10:41 PM
The new i880, as well as it's Boost Mobile equivalent, the i885, is due to be out in November. They were recently added to the Phone Scoop website - https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p =1046 . If you're interested in that one, I would wait to join until it comes out, so you can get the instant savings discount (usually $150 or $200). If not, Nextel has many other nice phones as well - I would recommend the i870.

For the Sprint vs. Nextel question... You basically have to decide whether you want high-speed data or PTT. Sprint is not the choice for PTT, and Nextel is not the choice for data. Both voice services work well, though I've found Nextel to be much better in my area, northern Ohio. S/N recently added new, much more d...

Sep 30, 2006, 9:29 AM
The new Sprint-Nextel coverage map is not accurate.
(1) The map shows strong Nextel coverage in my neighborhood in Los Angeles County, CA, yet both inside and outside buildings signal is poor. Nextel itself has been telling me for over a year that coverage here is known to be poor AND for over a year that a new tower was going up to remedy the problem (of course no tower has been installed). So the map says coverage here is great, but my phones AND Nextel engineers say it is not. That map is wrong.
(2) In the new coverage map's "Map An Address" box, type in Westminster Vermont, then click between tabs for Nextel alone, Sprint alone, and Nextel-Sprint hybrid coverage. You'll see clearly that their mapping is contradictory.

Nextel's old c...

Sep 30, 2006, 11:22 AM
Yea, well at least they should put something on the map that says "we don't have good coverage in buildings, sorry".

Sep 30, 2006, 2:13 PM
You're right, but that would make too much sense... 🙂 . Nextel would have done that, but not Sprint. Their service works EVERYWHERE...ha ha...right.

Sep 30, 2006, 2:10 PM
Yes, I noticed that the new maps for Sprint are way exaggerated in my area. Sprint maps say my house is covered, but all it does here is roam to Verizon and Alltel. Actually here though, I've found the Nextel maps to be skimpy, as I can get 3-4 bars in places where the map shows white. Depends on the area I suppose.

Sep 30, 2006, 1:44 PM
Personally I wouldn't join either of them. From a national corporate level Sprint is in the toilet. Last quarter Verizon, Cingular and T-mobile all grew more than Sprint. I'd look at other options.

The fact that Sprint is getting the least amount of new customers should be a red flag.

1. there has to be a reason people are not joining Sprint. i.e. coverage, customer service...etc.
2. When a cell phone company isn't doing well it makes it harder to invest money back into their network. Network coverage and quality should be one of the most important reasons to choice a wireless provider.

Sep 30, 2006, 6:17 PM
By your logic, no one should have joined Cingular/ATT, because two years ago THEY were in the toilet. But Cingular has been making steady improvements and now they are getting a decent number of new subscriber adds. So just because Sprint is in the crapper now doesn't mean they can't recover. Besides, before Sprint screwed it up, Nextel had a very good network and great customer service, just not sufficient coverage; maybe the Nextel professional-grade influence will begin to positively affect Sprint.

Sep 30, 2006, 10:31 PM
They might recover and they might not, who knows? I'm just saying TODAY there are a lot better options than Sprint/Nextel. I'd pick a carrier that doesn't have so many internal issues to deal with.

210k post-paid subscribers last quarter is a huge red flag when comparing to VZW 1.8 mil, Cingular 1.5 mil.

I also doubt that Nextel's "professional grade" influence is going to happen. Usually when a company is acquired they take on the strategy of the company acquiring them.

Anyone considering joining Sprint/Nextel should do their homework.

http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/aug20 ... »

Sep 30, 2006, 10:43 PM
Sprint and Nextel MERGED. Look at your Business Week article again. I quote, "before it merged with Nextel last August", from the first paragraph of that article. Come on, people.......

Sep 30, 2006, 11:03 PM
umm......there are really very few instances where two publicly traded companies "merge." 99% of the time one company is buying the other. Companies use the word merged to keep the brand equity of the company being purchased among other reasons. Nextel was bought by Sprint. It's not really even a debate.

Oct 1, 2006, 8:36 AM
I have to agree that Sprint did buy Nextel, regardless of all of the polite euphemisms referring to "merger". What a particular journalist calls it may or may not have any factual basis; frequently they politely pass on the corporation's PR spiel.

For proof, just look at the fact that Nextel has become a sub-brand of Sprint. The ads all read "Sprint. Together with Nextel" or "Nextel, only from Sprint". The make-payable-to name on the bills was changed from Nextel to Sprint. At first, www.nextel.com was redirected to www.sprint.com; many of the links on the Nextel website now redirect to Sprint-based web addresses. There can only be one top dog in any organization, and in the case of Sprint-Nextel, it is patently obvious that Sprint is dom...

Sep 30, 2006, 9:11 PM
Well, I checked the coverage and confused by the maps, does anybody know if Chapel Hill 27514, and North Carolina in general get good coverage for Nextel?

Also the reason I'm looking is because Sprint/Nextel offer unlimited text/pic plans, which neither VZW, or Cingular do.

Sep 30, 2006, 10:52 PM
By looking at the maps, Sprint PCS and Nextel both cover your area. However, it looks to be Nextel with the better overall coverage in North Carolina.

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