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Aug 23, 2006, 3:31 PM
Anyone have a prediction about what will happen to the NEXTEL Cup branding next year? I've heard it will be called 'Sprint Cup', and I've heard 'Sprint Nextel Cup'. I've also heard it will remain NEXTEL Cup, but the 'Chase for the NEXTEL Cup' Challenge will be renamed 'Sprint for the NEXTEL Cup'.

Kind of interesting...

Aug 26, 2006, 7:49 PM
bkw212007 said:
the 'Chase for the NEXTEL Cup' Challenge will be renamed 'Sprint for the NEXTEL Cup'.

🤣 🤣

Aug 26, 2006, 11:18 PM
So do you mean that's all that will change, and it will still be the NEXTEL Cup?

Sep 20, 2006, 6:40 PM
yea, fans would be furious if it changed to the sprint cup, or something stupid like that. the branding in nascar should remain the Nextel Cup.

'Sprint for the Nextel Cup'
🙄 🤣

Sep 21, 2006, 12:12 PM
It will be called the Nextel Cup in 07

Sep 21, 2006, 12:34 PM
Eventually the name will have to change, as Nextel is not going to be around in a few years, and why would Sprint pay advertising for a name that no longer exists?

Sep 21, 2006, 2:00 PM
and how do you know anything about Sprint? because the last time i checked... the company name is in fact... SprintNextel. some will spell it Sprint/Nextel, others will opt for Sprint Nextel, and i've even seen it as Sprint_Nextel. but any way you look at it... Nextel is still there. the name Nextel... it still exists. look at the advertising at nascar races... it actually says, Nextel together with Sprint.

people seem to forget that sprint and nextel merged. sprint didn't buy nextel out, like cingulair did at&t.

Sep 21, 2006, 2:14 PM
And if they are going to get rid of nextel, why is the company still building nextel towers?
why is the company still investing money into the nextel product...
god you are one of those people that hear on the news that a cream for healing a broken hear came out and went to the store to by it...oh wait lol just thought of something funny....Ky is that cream...but thats not the point
god grow a brain and get your facts straight before you speak

Sep 24, 2006, 8:53 PM
That's exactly right. Why would you continue dishing out tons of money on towers and equipment if you were going to disable it in few years? If you were Nextel, why would you say yes to funding the entire 800Mhz reconfiguration project, which is costing $2.5 billion, if you were going to eventually leave the 800Mhz band? If you had even the IQ of a young monkey, you wouldn't! Nextel isn't going anywhere.

Sep 25, 2006, 1:39 PM
Yes, Sprint and Nextel have merged, but I'm sorry to inform you that Sprint will eventually be taking over the Nextel name. This all won't happen overnight; Nextel will continue to operate as a seperate company, and putting up a new tower to ensure their current customers better service is not a waste of money.
Sprint is only just begining the process of bringing over Nextel customers, why else would they have adopted some of Nextel's plans? Sprint is allowing Nextel customers to switch over to Sprint for no charge, and they're bringing out a new Gateway phone that works on both networks and has both technologies in an attempt to bring people over to Sprint.

I'm sorry if you love Nextel, why, I don't know, but withing the next ten year...

Sep 25, 2006, 8:29 PM
Sprint has already taken over Nextel. That happened in August 2005. The Nextel NAME won't be going away. Even after converted to all CDMA, 'Nextel' is still going to be a product line. They are going to have to have a more durable and rugged line of phones for their current business people, and most likely it will be separate from the main more high-tech line. They will call this their Nextel line, much as they do now, even though all phones will use CDMA. The way I see it, Sprint has two product lines - PCS and Nextel. The only thing that will be different than the present is that both lines will use CDMA.

Sprint adopted Nextel's plans and vice-versa because they are a single company now. Sprint allows customers to switch from Ne...

Sep 26, 2006, 11:16 AM
One thing I dont know if we have discussed but noone took over anyone. The two companies combined into one.

And as far as Sprint allowing ppl to switch from nextel to sprint for free...you can switch to nextel from sprint for free. Its just like upgrading your phone in the system. And the company took the best plans from both carriers and thats what they run off of.

As far as the customer service....it blows latley and ill tell you why. The company now focuses on numbers more than focusing on treating the customer (existing or new) the right way. Its all about new customers. Getting them in the door. But once they are in the door its all about screwing them.

And noone is forcing anyone to move over to sprint. The longterm p...

Sep 26, 2006, 9:01 PM
I agree with you...I don't think they can shut iDEN down...there are just too many satisfied customers on it. Most of them aren't going to care about high-speed data, which is the only real reason to switch to CDMA, so they will stay on iDEN (myself included).

My last message was just a hunch about what would happen if they actually did phase out iDEN. Those aren't facts, it's just my opinion and makes sense to me. And I do like Nextel...I was defending it in my previous message, not talking against it...unless you're directing that toward CptWireless.

Sep 27, 2006, 6:16 PM
I think it was in general to alot off ppl. i dont really remember. Im just tired of hearing people spout off about how iden is done and nextel is done. and its annoying when people havent even done any type of research on it ya know.

Sep 27, 2006, 8:32 PM
Yeah I understand that completely. I want to think that iDEN will stay around...much better than CDMA...and I still don't believe there's any way they can shut it down. I'm with ya.

Sep 24, 2006, 8:41 PM
Exactly. And even if the corporate name was just Sprint, not Sprint Nextel, they have already said the Nextel name will continue as a key product brand. The way I see it - The provider Sprint has two lines of phones - PCS and Nextel.

Besides, if Sprint has any common sense at all (which I sometimes wonder about), they wouldn't totally abandon the Nextel name. It is too 'powerful' of a name, if you will. The name is very popular with business customers especially, but it's also a legend - Nextel was the first and always will be the best with their product (combining cellular and two-way radio into one unit).

Sep 25, 2006, 4:08 PM
It's more likely to be called the "White Trash Championship".

Sep 28, 2006, 11:02 PM
LOL... 🤣 i think you might be right. 🤣

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