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I've filed an FCC Complaint against Nextel


Jul 7, 2006, 10:37 PM
DISPUTE #: 06-W11988668

I have had Nextel since May 2005, at that time I lived in Elizabeth, NJ - where coverage for Nextel was sub-par. In December 2005, I moved to Scotch Plains, NJ with my fiance, who also has (had) Nextel. After moving, our service was poor and we would only get 1 bar in our area and would have to walk outside and across the street to use our phone. However, Nextel said that our specific area was Covered by them. After contacting Nextel and being strung along with promises of expanded coverage - We were fed up.

For four months we waited for "expanded coverage", and none came. I was paying $180 a month for me and my fiance's lines. On July 3rd, 2006 - I needed to make a phone call, and I kept receiving "The ...

Jul 8, 2006, 9:03 AM
well you should be pissed about it, and you shouldn't have to pay any termination fee's since if your in the coverage area, they should have you covered. Also, if you cell phone doesn't work in your HOME, then i believe the FCC states that consumers do not have to pay a fee for a service that doesn't work in your home. Have you threatened to contact the FCC when talking to Nextel? usually once you do that, i believe they will let you out of it. Also, i see you switched to verizon. What you also could have done was tried migrating over to Sprints CDMA network, since Sprint and Verizon both are CDMA cellular networks, apposed to Next els low coverage IDEN network. Sprint's CDMA is just as powerful (and in some cases more powerful) as Verizon's...

Jul 8, 2006, 2:17 PM
Coverage in the NY-metro sub-markets has gotten worse, because this is one of the first places Sprint started testing towers to integrate the CDMA and iDen network. They test mostly in the larger markets. If your cellular and walkie talkie services have gotten worse since the announced merger, it's because of all the testing on the towers.
When you get your bill for the $400 early termination fees, call back to Nextel's customer care. As long as there is documented proof that you called in complaining of no service in your area, which would be present if technical support filled out a network ticket for you, waiving those fees is a piece of cake. If they put up a fight, ask to speak with a superviser. 'Sprint together with Nextel' has a Yes...

Jul 10, 2006, 9:41 AM
"Coverage in the NY-metro sub-markets has gotten worse, because this is one of the first places Sprint started testing towers to integrate the CDMA and iDen network"

This is wrong. They are just putting on CDMA infrastructure on IDEN towers and vice versa, and because of that it will not harm the signals. The thing that would is the consensus plan that is going on now, and that NY is in wave 1 and the rebanding and clearing is happening there as well as other areas so that means customers are experiencing decreasing in call quality, and drop calls.

Jul 24, 2006, 11:54 AM
scottmbolt said:
Also, if you cell phone doesn't work in your HOME, then i believe the FCC states that consumers do not have to pay a fee for a service that doesn't work in your home.

The FCC would never make such a broad statement as RF is very non-predictable and the carriers are by no means required to penetrate all buildings, including homes.

It is clear on all of the carriers coverage maps that they are based on "OUTDOOR COVERAGE" only and they do not guarantee any coverage buildings inside. The only way that they would guarantee in-building coverage is if the subscriber paid the carrier to install a BDA system in a specific building.

Jul 24, 2006, 2:47 PM
let me quote myself again...

" I BELIEVE ... " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 26, 2006, 12:42 PM
Well then you should research before you post in a forum what "you believe".

Jul 29, 2006, 12:00 PM
90% of the posts on this forum are opinions and presumptions anyways... so blow it out your ass

Jul 25, 2006, 10:39 PM
Honestly I don't see what is wrong with sticking with a landline. 180 a month for a cell phone is rediculous. My unlimited long distance calling plan doesn't cost a tenth of what this guy was paying for his Nextel "service"

Aug 12, 2006, 10:41 PM
you know, on the subscriber agreement that you signed states that service is always guarenteed.....people should read what they sign...

Aug 13, 2006, 3:32 PM
you meant to say "isn't always guaranteed" right?

Aug 13, 2006, 10:54 PM
yup, my bad...sometimes you read the stupidity that people write on here and it makes you wonder

Sep 4, 2006, 5:03 PM
or it makes you stupid for a short amount of time ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜

Oct 3, 2006, 12:18 PM
SPRINT31907 said:
or it makes you stupid for a short amount of time ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜

๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ Oh Gawd I need a doughnut.

Terry C>

Aug 26, 2006, 7:54 PM
woo hoo! stick it to 'em!

Sep 1, 2006, 12:05 AM
resorb said:
DISPUTE #: 06-W11988668

I have had Nextel since May 2005, at that time I lived in Elizabeth, NJ - where coverage for Nextel was sub-par. In December 2005, I moved to Scotch Plains, NJ with my fiance, who also has (had) Nextel. After moving, our service was poor and we would only get 1 bar in our area and would have to walk outside and across the street to use our phone. However, Nextel said that our specific area was Covered by them. After contacting Nextel and being strung along with promises of expanded coverage - We were fed up.

For four months we waited for "expanded coverage", and none came. I was paying $180 a month for me and my fiance's lines. On July 3rd, 2006 - I needed to make a phone

Sep 1, 2006, 1:48 PM
the one thing i would say is that they were not 'in breach of contract' they do not have to provide coverage every where... if you would have written the complaint without use of that phrase, it would have made it more credible. i don't work for nextel, but all carriers have the same disclosures in the terms of service for this very reason.

Sep 4, 2006, 2:10 AM
This same case happend to me in the BAY AREA, and i complained a couple months, change my phone a coouple times...termination fee was waived, the two previous months was payed for completely....cx service kicks ass thats one thing nextel has always been good with...i LOVED my nextel but since sprint came along...

complain, its works....

Sep 30, 2006, 11:08 PM
Yep, Sprint is messing it all up for Nextel people.

Sep 20, 2006, 6:35 PM
yea... ๐Ÿคจ

good luck with that. ๐Ÿ™„

Sep 30, 2006, 11:40 AM
I haven't read any replies yet so this is strictly my input having not seen anyone else's.

When you originally signed up for Nextel you had service. You signed a contract for that geographical area/state (whatever). Although you are not required to live in that area for the 2 years that you signed a contract for, you still are locked into that contract. Now, Nextel could be nice and let you out of the contract considering you have moved to an area where their service sounds very poor. However, they are not required to do so.

If you think that by not paying the fees that are associated with canceling your Nextel service before the end of your contract, is "beating the system" you are incorrect. This will negatively effect your cr...

Oct 2, 2006, 10:45 PM
After reading several of the replies, I don't know where most of you live. But I live in the suburbs of NY and have never had a problem w/ Nextel for over 5 yrs now. Heck, I switched to Verizon for the fun of it (as my whole family is w/ them), but gave the phone back 3 days later after multiple drops (on the I-95 corridor no less) and with side-by-side signal comparison, Nextel blew them out of the water. I'm a person that unfortuately HAS to have a cell. So far, I've had every provider available and only T-mobile comes close.

I especially get a good laugh when we're deep in the woods hunting and my buddies are asking to borrow my phone, so they don't have to drag a 130lbs. deer out of the woods since they can't get a signal for their li...

Nov 4, 2006, 11:59 AM
Stones said:
After reading several of the replies, I don't know where most of you live. But I live in the suburbs of NY and have never had a problem w/ Nextel for over 5 yrs now. Heck, I switched to Verizon for the fun of it (as my whole family is w/ them), but gave the phone back 3 days later after multiple drops (on the I-95 corridor no less) and with side-by-side signal comparison, Nextel blew them out of the water. I'm a person that unfortuately HAS to have a cell. So far, I've had every provider available and only T-mobile comes close.

I especially get a good laugh when we're deep in the woods hunting and my buddies are asking to borrow my phone, so they don't have to drag a 130lbs. deer out of the woods since the

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