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lol wow i get this crap at work now?


Jul 28, 2006, 3:16 PM
i never even seen one of these.. just heard about it. how can Cingular let this crap through their email? 👿 🤨

ATTN: Sir/ Madam.

I am the project manager with the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). I know you will be surprise to receive this Kind Of letter seeking for your assistance. Sequel to my just concluded chart With you i decided to forward to you my proposal. Now the business in question is the transfer of US$30,000,000.
This sum came as an over invoiced sum which we did Purposely, during when my corporation awarded contract to some foreign firms Which I as the project manager masterminded the whole contract, which the Foreign contractors was dully received their total contract amount leaving t...

Jul 28, 2006, 3:25 PM
Wow, you should go ahead and retire, this is a once and a lifetime offer! DOnt let it get away, hey while your at it can you please forward me your banking account info as well, I have a couple million I need to drop you too 🤣

Jul 28, 2006, 5:42 PM
There has been a rash of this crap...My hotmail account get about 5 of these letters a day... 👿

Jul 28, 2006, 8:36 PM
Wow, you must be rich by now!

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