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Debating a switch


Jan 1, 2006, 4:40 AM
I've been with T-mobile for almost 3 years now and have in the last 6 mos to year become more and more dissatisfied with their service.

As a result I'm shopping around for a new cell company.

I have a few questions about plans and services.

1) Is it possible to do a 1 year contract directly thru Cingular or do you have to go to a reseller offering 1 year contracts?

2) If signing a 2 year contract, are you required to wait the full 2 years before getting the special pricing on handset upgrades?

3) Is anyone aware of how the service is in any/all of the following cities:

San Diego.
San Francisco.

(Im in the midst of looking for new employment and have a couple of nibbles in these cities)

Jan 1, 2006, 9:50 AM
I have answers to the first couple of questions. As far as agreeing to a 1-year contract with Cingular, you absolutely can. However, this cannot be done online through Cingular's website. You'd either have to do it over the phone or through a corporate owned store (in some cases, a reseller as well). You'll have to pay more for the phone as well (most have about $100.00 price difference if you sign a one year as opposed to a 2 year).

When you wish to upgrade your equipment, standard upgrade policy is 21 months into your current contract with that particular line. There are other alternatives, with one being if you're at least 12 months into your current contract, in good standing, and have a revenue ranking of $75.00 or more throug...

Jan 1, 2006, 12:15 PM
The service in the listed cities is good. Cingular has good service in all large metro cities, it's when you get to the surrounding areas that you might run into problems.

Jan 2, 2006, 1:58 PM
the coverage in those cities are excellent. and as far as those surrounding cities they are excellent also. go to a store and ask the can tell you and show you.

Jan 2, 2006, 11:45 PM
whats wrong with T-Mobile? My contract is up in 2 months with cingular and I cant wait to leave.

Jan 3, 2006, 1:46 AM
Ive been increasingy dissatisfied with their product line up.

They have practically nothing in the way of PDA's aside from Blackberry's (which contrary to what others may say - if that law suit is lost bye bye Blackberrys!)

My reception here in Houston has been rather spotty at best.

Also, they pretty much lost me during Katrina and Rita.

I was stuck up in Chicago during Katrina. During that time NONE of the New Orleans numbers were working right on ANY carrier. My husband telecommutes so work could not get thru to him.

At that point we had been with T-mobile for a few mos short of 2 years.

Our plan is over $ 100 a month with 3 phones on it and NEVER a late payment.

When we did our contract inititally they granted us...

Jan 3, 2006, 11:31 AM
I am so sorry for your problems during that trying time for you and your family. I can assure you that neither Verizon nor Cingular would have ever put you through anything to that effect during a dire time like that in your life. At least in my experiences, they have been MUCH better than that to deal with.

Jan 3, 2006, 7:13 AM
I can tell you that Cingular was rated "worst reception" of 2002, 2003, and 2004 in the San Francisco Bay according to The San Francisco Chronicle. I can tell you that i used to have cingular and lived in San Francisco. It had pretty good reception, but anywhere there are hills or huge buildings/walls....connection was almost always lost. however that was before Cingular was feeding off of AT&T's towers so i can't tell you if that has changed at all . I switched to Verizon and love it..

Jan 4, 2006, 2:06 AM
Thanks for the info.

Looks like as of today we're staying in Houston for the time being, but seriously, thank you so much for the feedback anyway - this is the kind of thing I like to find out before switching companies.

Altho Verizon is out of the question for me anyway..... my dad is on Verizon and while I love him dearly, there is NO way I want him to be able to call me free any time he wants! LOL

Jan 4, 2006, 1:34 PM
medelle said:
Thanks for the info.

Looks like as of today we're staying in Houston for the time being, but seriously, thank you so much for the feedback anyway - this is the kind of thing I like to find out before switching companies.

Altho Verizon is out of the question for me anyway..... my dad is on Verizon and while I love him dearly, there is NO way I want him to be able to call me free any time he wants! LOL

I know the feeling. When I signed up with Verizon in March 2002, my mom & sister were on Cingular, then they went to Nextel, before going to Verizon. I get lots of calls from my mom.

Jan 3, 2006, 1:09 PM
Houston, San Diego and San Francisco all have good service with Cingular. Verizon has good service in San Diego and San Francisco and average service in Houston. Not sure about Boston or Minneapolis.

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