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It seems as though AT&T is NOT a member of the Open Handset Alliance!. . .


Sep 23, 2008, 6:18 AM
Of all the articles that I read on the internet about Google's Android, and it being an open source OS, and all the potential Android can have on the wireless industry, if it is indeed a fact that AT&T isn't a member of the Open Handset Alliance then that might just be enough for me to leave AT&T, and begin considering T-Mobile as an option. I live in Las Vegas and I know T-Mobile's 3G network has gone live, I don't care about which 3G network is the largest, I live in Las Vegas, and all 4 major wireless carriers have 3G networks in Las Vegas.

My mothers line on my contract expires in April. I'll be paying very, very close attention to Google's Android and T-Mobile between now and April.

Whatever comments people may have about th...

Sep 23, 2008, 7:26 AM
Let me get this straight, you're bitter at ATT for not being a member of the Open Handset Alliance, and not carrying the Nokia N95-3, so you're going to leave ATT? Nokia isn't part of the Open Handset Alliance...so are you going to stop using Nokia's? Just b/c ATT doesn't sell the Nokia N95-3, doesn't mean you can't use the device on their network - that's one of ATT's/GSM's best selling feature - the ability to use unlocked GSM equipment on their network.

Sep 23, 2008, 7:57 AM
B/c of ATT not carrying the N95-3 it has made it extremely clear to me that high-end camera phones is a market ATT is ABSENT from, by high-end I mean auto focus, not just resolution.

Secondly, I really, really believe Android is going to be a game changer when it comes to mobile operating systems, in a similar way Apple was a game changer when it comes to touch phones.

Google's Android is yet another thing that ATT will be ABSENT from, just as they are absent from the high-end camera phone market.

Oh my mistake, not only is ATT's failure to carry the N95-3 an indication that they refuse to participate in the high-end camera phone market, but ATT ALSO refused to carry the SE K850, another high-end camera phone.

The wireless indus...

Sep 23, 2008, 9:23 AM
Wait a minute. AT&T is absent from innovation? What are you talking about?? AT&T is an industry leader in innovation. We innovate all the time... just as soon as Verizon does it!


Sep 23, 2008, 1:55 PM
AT&T's not carrying the N95 is more of an economic decision. The market for high-end phones is tough - there is not really enough of a demand at the prices necessary for profit to justify carrying it.

AT&T has allowed activating any compatible unlocked phone on their system for quite some time. I fail to understand your issue. Belonging or not belonging to an alliance is not necessarily a sign of resistance to innovation.

Sep 26, 2008, 4:30 PM
IM GLAD ATT doesn't carry the N95-4. I would have still paid $500 for it ($250 less than MSRP) and had to sign a contract and HAVE to use Network only based GPS

Sep 23, 2008, 7:42 AM
It does seem that at&t is focused solely on the iPhone. I'm sure they feel that any other high end phones would compete with the iPhone. We'll see how many other nice phones they release in the next 6 months.

Sep 23, 2008, 7:59 AM
I could see Nokia's objection to joining the alliance, Android is a competing platform.
AT&T's objection however is most likely their inability to lock down the OS and firmware under Android. That could translate into loss of service sales such as AT&T Navigator....and they don't want that. Afterall, its all about the greed.

Sep 23, 2008, 8:04 AM
Good points. All eyes will be on the T-Mobile G1 to see how that works out, and, if T-Mobile can make money off of that. If not, the controlled OS & Apps method will prevail.

Sep 23, 2008, 8:54 AM
There will be an App store for Android just as there is for the iPhone, minus the control that Apple has!

Sep 23, 2008, 9:35 PM
YepYepYep said:
Good points. All eyes will be on the T-Mobile G1 to see how that works out, and, if T-Mobile can make money off of that. If not, the controlled OS & Apps method will prevail.

I could see T-Mobile here in the U.S. using Android to increase market share. They could promote themselves as the "free and open" GSM carrier that now has a 3G network that will continue to expand. From what I understand they have always had good customer service and rapport and are very flexible. Android could be a very good fit for them.

Sep 23, 2008, 8:08 AM
First Cingular caused clonies of of the Motorola RAZR, and now iPhone zombies.

Thank you for not bashing me for my viewpoint, I really do believe Android has the potential to shake up the mobile operating systems in a similar way Apple was a game changer with touch phones, and it seems ATT will be adsent from this revolution called Android.

Press conference to announce the Dream G1 is at 10:30am eastern.

Sep 23, 2008, 9:09 AM

Sep 23, 2008, 11:23 AM
I just hear a whole, whole, whole lot of bad things about they're customer service, there must be a reason Sprint has lost what?, at least 2 million customers in less than a year.

Sep 23, 2008, 11:37 AM
๐Ÿ™„ Unless you've tried sprint in the last year or two, just stop...

Sep 23, 2008, 1:51 PM
I haven't used Sprint myself, but I've been next to my friend plenty of times and he'll always have 1 bar indoors (his house, club, restaurant) Just this past Sat we were at a concert and his phone was roaming for no reason. I always thought phones were supposed to roam in the middle of nowhere, but we were downtown... Yeah, sorry, Sprint sucks.

Sep 23, 2008, 5:29 PM
Once again....

๐Ÿ™„ Unless you've tried sprint in the last year or two, just stop...

Not that I'm surprised about your reaction, this is the at&t forum... ๐Ÿ™„ Get over yourself....

In my house and around my neighborhood, youd be lucky to be able to make/receive calls with ANY gsm carrier.... Yet Sprint, Nextel, Uscc and Verizon work fine..... I left at&t for sprint because they provide better coverage in my area (Northern IL/Chicago/Wisconsin).

BTW tell your friend to try putting his phone to "sprint only" in the roaming options, then it will never roam.... Downtown where?

Sep 23, 2008, 7:41 PM
btw, I still have and use my at&tizzle phone for m2m and the occasional overseas travel, Cingular was my first service provider and i love gsm.... But Sprint works better where I need it to. Put the emphasis on "I", cuz I know that not every carrier will work everywhere for everyone... Personally, I'm just sick of people that have never used Sprint bashing it.

Sep 24, 2008, 11:29 AM
Jayshmay said:
I just hear a whole, whole, whole lot of bad things about their customer service, there must be a reason Sprint has lost what? At least 2 million customers in less than a year?

They'd be better if the customer service wasn't in India.

Sep 24, 2008, 11:28 AM
I will admit, I'm impressed by their Treo 800w. At&t needs one!!!

Sep 23, 2008, 1:36 PM
This guys is complaining about a phone AT&T didn't release, but that he bought UNLOCKED??
AT&T could've released the N95-3, but it would had been so expensive that it couldn't had competed with other real PDA phones with actual QWERTY keypads... (same goes for the K850i) great phones, but they don't meet what most customers want and that's smartphones with QWERTY keypads. It's my understanding that by the end of this year more than 50 percent of AT&T phones will be smartphones...
P.S. Have you thought about how much the N95 would've sucked if it had been released with all the AT&T crap on it?

Sep 23, 2008, 9:45 PM
T-Mobile is a member of the Open Handset Alliance, so have fun with your G1 - the "blazing wifi" and 3g network, but don't use more than a gig of data a month (or if you do, hope T-Mobile isn't too heavy handed with their new data soft cap).... ๐Ÿ˜

Sep 23, 2008, 10:04 PM
I don't really know what the point of this post is either. But here are the current memebers of the OHA and the link to the OHA for more info.

Mobile Operators

China Mobile Communications Corporation
NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
Sprint Nextel
Telecom Italia

Semiconductor Companies

Intel Corporation
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
NVIDIA Corporation
Qualcomm Inc.
SiRF Technology Holdings, Inc.
Synaptics, Inc.
Texas Instruments Incorporated

Handset Manufacturers

HTC Corporation
LG Electronics, Inc.
Motorola, Inc.
Samsung Electronics

Software Companies

Ascender Corp.
eBay Inc.
Google Inc.
LivingImage ...

Sep 26, 2008, 7:54 AM
The reality is, a handset will not define a provider. Handsets change at the whim of the public (or the marketing wizards who control them, depending on the level of your cynicism). Sure the iPhone was a cool new concept for a phone. It also came with an instant fan base that would love it no matter what because it was made by Apple. But even that will grow old as new tech comes out.

The issue with high end phones is that people want to get their phones for cheap. There is no conspiracy against high end camera phones. It's plain business. AT&T has to buy thousands of these, and offer them at a huge subsidy just to move the product. The end result could likely be a loss.

As others have pointed out, AT&T does not restrict the use...

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