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AT&T coverage maps & poor signal


Jul 26, 2008, 6:46 PM
Has anyone else received misinformation with the online coverage maps at AT&T? Coming from Verizon, I was very skeptical about starting new service with them recently because I wanted to make sure I would get service at my home. But after checking coverage on the website and having the store employee show me the coverage on his computer (which uses a different system), I decided to go with AT&T cause the service is labeled "BEST" with 3G coverage. Well, it definitely is not best and definitely does not have 3G. My phone cycles between 1-bar and "no service" and I have never once seen the screen say 3G, only Edge. When I call customer service, they are absolutely no help. Even in areas where I do get full signal on my phone, I constantly fee...

Jul 26, 2008, 7:19 PM
mattmgeorge said:
Has anyone else received misinformation with the online coverage maps at AT&T? Coming from Verizon, I was very skeptical about starting new service with them recently because I wanted to make sure I would get service at my home. But after checking coverage on the website and having the store employee show me the coverage on his computer (which uses a different system), I decided to go with AT&T cause the service is labeled "BEST" with 3G coverage. Well, it definitely is not best and definitely does not have 3G. My phone cycles between 1-bar and "no service" and I have never once seen the screen say 3G, only Edge. When I call customer service, they are absolutely no help. Even in areas where I do get ful

Jul 26, 2008, 7:52 PM
mattmgeorge said:
Has anyone else received misinformation with the online coverage maps at AT&T? Coming from Verizon, I was very skeptical about starting new service with them recently because I wanted to make sure I would get service at my home. But after checking coverage on the website and having the store employee show me the coverage on his computer (which uses a different system), I decided to go with AT&T cause the service is labeled "BEST" with 3G coverage. Well, it definitely is not best and definitely does not have 3G. My phone cycles between 1-bar and "no service" and I have never once seen the screen say 3G, only Edge. When I call customer service, they are absolutely no help. Even in areas where I do get ful

Jul 26, 2008, 9:02 PM
Do their maps still illustrate the coverage using the same color with hue variations only detectable by finding the RGB value for the color?

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