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3G rollout


May 4, 2008, 1:49 PM
Does anyone know a timeline on AT&T's 3G rollout? I mean how many markets are covered now and by year end? I think 3G rocks, but I want to see it more wide spread.

Unfortunately EVDO is far more wide spread! 😢

I live in Michigan and only the 2 largest cities and close burbs are covered.

I also just want to note that I have had nextel, alltel, verizon, and now the best AT&T. I travel all over Michigan and AT&T's voice is hands down the best. I just want more 3G.

Any information out there would be great!!

May 4, 2008, 4:51 PM
It's rough when you're the only player in the field. VZW, Sprint, and Alltel all have eachother to fall back on with EV-DO roaming. AT&T only has itself.

Too bad T-mobile's 3G is a joke, and on the wrong spectrum.

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