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Coverage areas and frequencies with the NEW Cingular


Dec 18, 2004, 2:09 PM
In buying a phone that is going to work in the greatest number of areas, what frequenicies should I look for on phones from the new Cingular/Att?

Dec 18, 2004, 2:29 PM
randyps said:
In buying a phone that is going to work in the greatest number of areas, what frequenicies should I look for on phones from the new Cingular/Att?

the only GSM frequencies in use in North America are 850 & 1900 Mhz.
Rich Brome

Dec 20, 2004, 1:54 PM
Same as the old Cingular - 850 and 1900.

That's all of their current lineup, so you only need to worry about frequencies if you're buying the phone from someone other than Cingular, or if you're concerned about overseas coverage.

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