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AT&T Hates My Money


Jul 16, 2008, 10:33 AM
I'm very frustrated with AT&T's Business department which doesn't seem to care about their customer. I have a business account with 13 lines and have more I want to move over to it. My problem? We had a sales person that wasn't very good and it seems they were fired. My e-mails are ignored and their mailbox is full which lead me to the above conclusion. Now what do I do? I've called Business Care numerous times asking if I can please have a new sales person assigned to me - they say yes, process my new order.. and I get no contact information for anybody.

What the hell is this? I have a verizon account as well which has an excellent rep that contacts me (bugging me sometimes) to add new customers all the time. Unfortunately, AT&T ...
The Swartz

Aug 29, 2008, 1:25 PM
If you still happen to be checking this what area are you in? I might be able to help you find someone if you're in the North Texas market

Sep 22, 2009, 9:49 AM
I'm a service rep a AT&T and I'd love to be your rep. Someone to know you, your business and provide the service you expect. I'm in Ga near the ATL area I'm just a call away.

Nov 1, 2009, 1:30 PM
You sound hot!

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