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I'm tired of all the trash talk


Apr 17, 2007, 1:12 PM
I come to phonescoop to find out some information about different carriers and different phones that are available. I am tired of having to read all the trash talk and rants by highly opinionated people. I don't think that's why most people come here. We all have our opinions about different carriers. Can't we just agree to disagree???

Apr 17, 2007, 1:14 PM
Nicemanmd said:
I come to phonescoop to find out some information about different carriers and different phones that are available. I am tired of having to read all the trash talk and rants by highly opinionated people. I don't think that's why most people come here. We all have our opinions about different carriers. Can't we just agree to disagree???

Agree with that, if everyone stop back talking each other maybe the sells people can get back to work and sell more phones

Apr 17, 2007, 1:45 PM
if we all put our differences aside and came togeather to pinch chad, then i think we can all get along in the forums 😁 sorry chad your still not welcome. 😛

Apr 17, 2007, 2:18 PM
There will always be a certain amount of useless threads, but I see very few threads where legitimate questions go unanswered.

Ask a question and it will be answered, if not learn how to decipher whats worth reading.

Apr 17, 2007, 2:43 PM

Here's a legitimate question I'll ask again, I am looking for a good basic phone with good reception and voice quality. Camera is not important. I was thinking about the Samsung U340 or the LG 3400.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Apr 17, 2007, 2:54 PM
The LG 3400 will meet your basic phone needs fosho, and I would choose that over the samsung u340 any day.

I think you should also consider the LG 5300 still a basic phone, but the call clarity will be even better...and of course hands down best call clarity is the LG 8300 even if you don't need/use the bells and whistles its still overall the best phone.

Apr 17, 2007, 2:59 PM
Thanks, Army.

I appreciate it.

I will probably go with the LG 3400 as I am paying full retail.

Thanks again.

Apr 17, 2007, 3:07 PM
NP 🙂

Apr 21, 2007, 9:29 AM
th amoto 315 is ugly but a pretty good ittle hone as well. I am not a big moto fan but this phone has a loud clear earpeice and the cost may be less than the 3400, it is at my store. I like the 3400 better but if you are just looking for basic and cheap as possible to get you by you might check it out.......stay away from samsung unless you go high end.

Apr 18, 2007, 8:10 PM

If you haven't already purchased your phone, you may want to consider the Samsung a930 (Red). It is the same price full retail as the other phones (u340/LG 3400) $149.99. I have sold many of these phones and personally use the a950 and find Samsung phones are very similar in quality (this is my opinion and I am sure people will disagree with me). Again, in my opinion at $149.99 it will be the best phone for that price. It is only available online as they have discontinued the Black version and won't sell the Red version in the store. Hope this helps.


Apr 17, 2007, 2:29 PM
Do you realize that you just started a trash talk forum just by what you just stated in your post...? Your not talking about phones your not talking about service your talking about trashtalk/complaints. You've started something you just said you hated...hmmm....do you see the irony.....?????????????????

Apr 17, 2007, 2:30 PM
Keovani said:
Do you realize that you just started a trash talk forum just by what you just stated in your post...? Your not talking about phones your not talking about service your talking about trashtalk/complaints. You've started something you just said you hated...hmmm....do you see the irony.....?????????????????


Apr 17, 2007, 2:34 PM

Apr 17, 2007, 2:40 PM
chocolateman85006 said:


Apr 18, 2007, 2:44 PM
Nicemanmd said:
I come to phonescoop to find out some information about different carriers and different phones that are available. I am tired of having to read all the trash talk and rants by highly opinionated people. I don't think that's why most people come here. We all have our opinions about different carriers. Can't we just agree to disagree???

Just so you know, this isn't helping your cause by posting this.

Apr 18, 2007, 3:07 PM
The problem as I see it is, in each carriers forum, 75% or more of the posters are employees of the that carriers, that sit on the forum site while working.

Apr 19, 2007, 3:36 PM
herbf said:
The problem as I see it is, in each carriers forum, 75% or more of the posters are employees of the that carriers, that sit on the forum site while working.

How is that a problem? If consumers sat on this site all day long that would be super gay. I jump on here in my spare time while I am waiting for a customer to walk in my store after 3 hours of waiting sometimes. I have learned a lot through this site. The store is clean and stocked. There's literally nothing else to do besides cold call and I have already done that before I get on here.

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