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Seeking advice on choosing a carrier for NY Metro


Sep 5, 2004, 8:00 PM
I'm looking to sign up with a carrier. I live and work in the New York City metropolitan area. 99% of calls will be made in and around the 5 boroughs of NYC, Long Island, Westchester and New Jersey. I'm currently with ATT; my wife is now with Verizon. We intend to go with a family plan. We don't need the best phones, but want good quality. My wife wants a camera phone.

Which carrier should we go with? We went to dealers today at ATT, Verizon and Cingular. Cingular seems to have the best deal, and Verizon seems to have the worst deal. For $70/month: 850 anytime rollover minutes on a nationwide basis; unlimited free mobile to mobile (I assume this includes both Cingular and ATT, once the merger goes through); Unlimited nights after...

Sep 6, 2004, 9:39 AM
I live in the Baltimore area and visit NJ often. I use VZW and I have no problems. I used Cingular in the past and experienced a lot of dropped calls, network overload, etc. I prefer VZW's CDMA service to Cingular's GSM. Since I have been with VZW I have received great service. Never been without a signal even when driving through GA, Bama, and FL, the country parts away from the interstate. Also, you can try out the service from VZW for 15 days and cancel, just pay activation and used minutes, I would recommend you do that and use the phone in areas you frequent the most to see if it works for you. Also, you usually get the best deals from their website and they even give you a prepaid shipping label to fedex the phone back if you don't lik...

Sep 6, 2004, 12:28 PM
Sprint has a huge number of customers in NY, but I'd suggest going with either Cingular or Verizon. Normally, I'd recommend T-Mobile, but you may have a hard time getting signal while deep inside some of the large buildings in your area.

Cingular sounds like a better deal, and it definitely sounds like what you're leaning towards. My suggestion is to take full advantage of the carriers' 14-day guarantees. Take the phones for a "test drive" for a week or so, and find which carrier works best for you.

Sep 7, 2004, 8:14 AM
Hmmmm... take a network that is far from overloaded now, combine it with another network that is far from overloaded, and create an overload? That Verizon rep LIED to you, outright.

When Cingular completes the buyout of ATTWS, we will be adding roughly 25,000 towers. I highly doubt this will result in a OVERLOAD of our network.

In a recent 20/20, the top two carriers in Metro NY were Cingular and Verizon, in that order. Drive testing supports those findings as well.

Cingular offers a 15 day trial, so try it out and have fun!

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