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Upgrade Program????


Sep 4, 2004, 10:48 AM
Because of the type of job that my husband does we relocate once every 9 months. Sprint has been by far the best coverage we have out of the three carriers we use.(Sprint is for our own phones, the other two are company provided.)I have an older plan for $85/month...2000 anytime minutes, free second line, free unlimited Vision, free PCS2PCS; and did not want to change my plan. The two Samsung N400's on my account where quickly becoming unserviciable and needed to be replaced. I have been a customer for 20 months, and no longer have an agreement. I went to the Sprint store to see about purchasing phones and was told that I was not able to purchase the phones at the reduced price, that I would have to pay Retail, continue to pay on time fo...

Sep 4, 2004, 2:14 PM
pauseplace said:I would have to pay Retail, continue to pay on time for three months, then after the waiting period I would be able to mail in the rebates and wait 10-12 weeks

That's bull. They lied to you in the store. You send in your rebate card and a copy of your receipt the day you activate your new handsets. The total turnaround time for the upgrade rebate is 6-8 weeks. That's one week for mailing and processing, another three weeks for the 30-day activation period to finish, another week or two for processing, and then a week or two for the check to be mailed to you.

Check your eligibility here:
(Note that this will only be good for the line you didn't replace with a phone ...

Sep 5, 2004, 7:46 AM
I appreciate the information but do not plan on replacing the second phone at this time.

What I do want to comment on is the fact that it was the Sprint Store Manager who told me that I would need to wait. After trying to help her see that she would loose a customer, she told me to "GO TO ANOTHER CARRIER, WE DON'T NEED CUSTOMERS WITH THE ATTITUDE THAT EVERYTHING SHOULD BE FREE."

I'm not looking for freebies, just the assistance that I needed at the time. Again, Sprint is falling short on the customer service, and there isn't a flow from call center to store to store reps. It seems we where all given different manual's for company policy. TRY TO GET A SUPERVISOR WHO GIVES A DARN! I couldn't even get anyone to complain to about t...

Sep 5, 2004, 9:27 AM
Hey, it's true. The number one complaint about both the stores and call centers is lack of consistency. Ask three different Sprint people and you get six different answers.

My best off-the-clock advice for Sprint customers with serious problems is to go to T-Mobile or Cingular. I personally prefer T-Mo, but I know their coverage doesn't work for everyone and rollover's an awfully-nice gimmick.

Also, I've seen T-Mobile pay the ETFs for Sprint customers with high CLVs. It doesn't happen often, but I've seen it more than once.

Sep 7, 2004, 7:40 AM
I know that all customers and situations are different I would still like to make a point.
The main point in all this that most people seem to miss is that when you purchased your phone you agreed to a 24 month contract to get the rebate on the phone. You did get a rebate the first time you purchased a phone. I know you are a good customer, its ok we all should be. If the original agreement was 24 months and they let you shortcut to 18 that’s a good deal. If resigning a new agreement was all it took then existing customers could go in every month and get new phones, and that would be financially stupid for sprint. Technology is expensive and the prices on the phones aren’t marked up very much so you are not being ripped of paying full ...

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