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Chapel Hill-Which carrier to choose for voice and data?


Aug 24, 2004, 12:58 PM
I'm moving to Carrboro-Chapel Hill. I want a phone with good coverage locally and nationwide as I will be traveling for work. My girlfriend and I will be joining the same carrier if we can get free calls between our two phones. Would a family plan also make sense?

I would also be interested in a data plan so that I can use my phone as a modem for my iBook. Unlimited data would be preferable for a reasonable amount. Bluetooth would be a nice feature but not necessary.

I'm wide open as far which phone to choose. I don't care if it has a camera, but I would like decent email capability.

Aug 28, 2004, 7:34 AM
I just moved from Chapel Hill-Durham. Anything will work well down there. I had Cingular wireless and you could go with the Ericsson T636 or Motorola V400, both have Bluetooth. I know Verizon and Alltel work well there as well. Verizon has the Moto V710 which has bluetooth and all the fixings. As for Sprint, I don't think any of their phones have bluetooth.

A family plan would make sense but you will share mins, so be careful to select alot of mins or you may go over. Most companies give free mobile to mobile with the plans now.

As for data plans, you'll have to check those as usually the Companies sell those plans seperate from the voice plans.

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