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testing reception


May 21, 2006, 10:48 PM
I have been considering a switch to sprint for some time, but the 700p looks to put me over the edge. I am currently with T-mobile, and get NO reception at my house (the carrier doesn't even show on my handset). Cingular coverage would be adequate where I'm at, so I know there are towers.

Anyway.. on to my point.. a friend let me borrow an old Sanyo SCP-4500, and with it I get zero or one bar in the house, and a weak 2 bars outside. but it does seem to stay in the 'sprint pcs area' as it says. Is this phone a good indicator of coverage? (i.e. would a newer phone like the a900 or the 700p be able to cut it and provide decent reception in a building?) I would like to be able to drop my long distance land line, and just go with a mobi...

May 22, 2006, 1:12 PM
The best thing I could recommend is to get the 700p when it comes out, and see what kind of a signal it gets for you. The treo would be a better phone to test out the service with. If it doesn't work out, then you have 14 days to cancel.

May 22, 2006, 10:03 PM
I would consider getting the 700p from Verizon Wireless, its available right now, and with vzw you dont have to worry if you will get good reception, as they have the nations best and most reliable network.

May 23, 2006, 8:59 AM
I would consider them, but I'm going to be buying for myself and my wife. She wants something more like the a900, and with data costs, and everything put together, VZW is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more expensive. (sprint gives a discount on the data and txt msgs for families) Plus, I really don't like the way that VZW cripples some of the phone interfaces.

You make a good point, if I'm going to be out in the middle of nowhere VZW is a better choice. I'm just in a weak spot in most networks, but within a metropolitan area.

I believe I have made my choice, now I just have to start saving my pennies for new phones. :-)

Thanks everyone.

May 23, 2006, 11:20 AM
The treos arent know for having outstanding rf, but the fact that its digital only may help, for some people that live on the outskirt of service the issue isnt that theres not coverage its that theres competing signal ad the phone jumps back and forth between the two (prefers sprint but overwhelemed by analog or a competetor signal) You may also want to try setting the sprint phone to home only or no roaming if you give it a try.

May 23, 2006, 12:44 PM
when testing with the scp-4500, i set it to sprintpcs only, and then to analog only. Both only gave me about 1 bar or zero bars, but manages to stay in network. When I have tested my unlocked nokia on Cingular's network i get 3 bars in the house, which I can only attribute to 850 Mhz having better building penetration. Cingular is my last choice at this point.

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