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better reception..why?


Oct 31, 2004, 5:47 PM
I'm not complaining...very pleased in fact, but curious as to why. My parents have a huge dead spot for sprint. Their verizon phones get ok reception. The other day I got a text msg. from sprint that an upadat was ready for my phone. I dialed *2 an it updated my phone. Now I get full reception at their house. Better than verizon even. I just wondered what happened and why. I'm on the sprint only network. If there is a new tower in the area I shouldn't have needed an update to pull in a signal should I? Any thoughts? I was thinking about switching but now I couldn't be happier. Live in Kansas City area.
Rich Brome

Nov 3, 2004, 11:23 PM
burrito75 said:
...If there is a new tower in the area I shouldn't have needed an update to pull in a signal should I? ...

Actually, sometimes you do. With a CDMA phone, the list of towers your phone can use is called a PRL (preferred roaming list). It resides in your phone, and also determines which towers you can use for roaming, and in what order (priority).

It does need to be updated periodically, and being able to access new towers is exactly why. It's also important so you can get maximum roaming coverage, since roaming agreements change over time, and a new PRL is the only way your phone will be able to take advantage of enhanced coverage from a new roaming agreement.

Nov 4, 2004, 10:01 AM
actually that is only partially correct. PRL (Perferd Roaming List) is basically just a priority list. hear is what it does, It simply tells the phone which network to try and use first. ThAT IS ALL IT DOES.

It has nothing to do with new towers. a phone with a prl from 3 years ago will find the same towers as a phone with the newest prl. how is this possable? a sprint phone will use any cdma or any amps network weather they have a roaming agrement with sprint or not. the phone will do this because the signal is there. the phone will pick up any signal it can use. it does not need to be told where the tower is. or what new towers are out there. i mean think of it the whole idea of a list that tells the phone what new towers are out there ...

Nov 4, 2004, 10:06 AM
i am in the KC aria and i know for a fact that they have been doing a lot of fill ins and adding towers in the kc aria over hthe past year. the update you did probubly just coinsided with an upgrade to the network. i know a major network upgrade was done this weekend which has been reaking havic because of all the bugs that now have to be worked out.

as bad as it sounds KC is the worst part od the sprint network, despite the fact that we have more towers in the arian than any other company. but we also have way more useres in kc then any other company too.

by the way no one has told me what the upgrade to the network was..... But i know for a fact EV is suposed to be released in the KC aria 4Q and i would put mony on it that the netwo...

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