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Antenna Question- Please respond.


Oct 7, 2004, 4:00 PM
Why on all Sprint phones they still use a retractable Antenna? Does have anything to do with them still using AMPS?

Oct 7, 2004, 11:28 PM
I doubt it, since three of our four internal-antenna models are tri-mode.

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Big Poppa

Oct 8, 2004, 8:18 PM
The Antenna don't really do much, if anything really.. they are primarily there for looks. people THINK they get better reception if they pull it up. They basically surveyed people asking them whether they wanted an internal or external, the majority chose external.

Oct 8, 2004, 9:32 PM
It is true that that there is no scientific difference between the way an external antenna and internal antenna work, however, there are two notable differences that I have found between the two.
1) I have the Samsung A680 and whenever I am in large buildings or anywhere where there is poor or no signal, I can extend my antenna and improve signal strength by one or two bars!! Now this isn't a fluke, because extending my antenna improves my signal everytime guaranteed.
2) Study's done on cell phones show that electromagnetic radiation (that affects a person's head) in phones with external antennas is slighty less than that of internal antennas because of the way the antenna points out away from the head.

So if there is not a difference b...

Oct 9, 2004, 12:00 AM
Bars don't really matter. One bar is as good as seven, in my experience.

As for the radiation bit, those same studies show that you would need to have the cellphone strapped to your head, in a continuous active call, for approximately 50 years in order for the radiation to harm you.

(Ladies and gentlemen, I am King of the run-on sentence.)

Oct 9, 2004, 9:35 PM
Ok, so if bars don't really matter, then why will extending the antenna on my A680 take me from no service to service? And don't tell me it the the way I am holding the phone, because I hold it in different angles and the result is always the same....extending my antenna improves my reception. Explain that. 😉
Big Poppa

Oct 9, 2004, 11:30 AM
In digital those antenna don't really do crap. Analog it might help a little.. the antenna's around now, are pretty much just a piece of platic. and I belive the phones made now all have internal antenna built in anyways along with the little stub antennas.

Any there can be many reason why you phone get a couple extra bars, one possibility is they way you hold the phone after you extend the antenna, and other things.

Oct 9, 2004, 3:37 PM
The only time the antenna might come in handy would be if, like my girlfriend, you like to hide your phone in your cleavage. Turns out that human flesh is pretty good at impeding cellular signals.

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