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Oct 7, 2004, 12:55 AM
Ok, I'm not saying this to direct people away from sprint. I'm just letting you all know the experiences that I've had with them.

I've had sprint for a little over a month and already I've had 3 different phones (2 samsung a680's- both froze when people called me, and an audiovox 8920- that phone feels cheap and always felt like it was gunna break) I was tired of the lame customer service, 2 reps lied to me about some of the issues I was having with my phones and thats just unexceptable. I basically got tired of their crap and the lame phones they kept giving me... 3 phones in a month?! Come on man, thats terrible. Anywho. If sprint has been good to you, then thats great, I guess I was just one of the few unlucky ones.
Big Poppa

Oct 7, 2004, 10:19 AM
Samsung and Audiovox IMO are CRAP!

Sanyo's are excellent phones!

Customer service probably isn't lying to you, they are probably just idiots who don't know what they are talking about.

Oct 7, 2004, 8:51 PM
I would have picked up a sanyo but I had a friend who had some problems with them.

The reps at sprint are TERRIBLE!! I gladly paid the 150 bucks to get out of my contract with them!!

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