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Dropped calls


Sep 30, 2004, 2:48 PM
I need to ask some advice real quick. When I sell anyone a phone on any of the carriers that we offer at my company, I tell people that they really shouldn't have more than 2-3 dropped calls a month and that if they have more than that they should contact customer service because there may be a problem with thier phone or may be some kind of network issue.

I also tell them that is they live in outlying areas that they will drop more calls, thats just the nature of the beast. Also I tell them that while they are traveling between cities that they are more likely to drop a call vs being in an urban area with multiple towers.

My question is: Is 2-3 dropped calls a month a fair estimate? Should I tell them that they may experience more...

Sep 30, 2004, 10:47 PM
dropped calls is a really tricky thing. for example i have cuustomers that drop calls dayly. the reason is they dive threw the same whole in the network every day. and that is the fact no network is 100% after all it is wireless.

second fact. the more mins u use the more you will drop calls. where i work is the worst part of the sprint network. (world head quarters) even though sprint has more towers in the city than any other carrier it is actually the worst par t of the sprint network but i talk approximately 1500 mins a month total and have maybe 1 droped call every three months. that is an actual drop not the dead spot i drive threw on my way home or the week spot i bought my house in.

but the more you talk the more droped calls y...
Big Poppa

Oct 1, 2004, 10:56 AM
There is no clear answer for what the "Average" dropped call rate should be. Remember you are dealing with a "Wireless" system here. They are many things that can cause a phone to drop it's call.

What I would do is just tell customers that Sprint does offer up to 20 dropped call credits per months. and that all they have to do to get them is dial *2 from there phone and tell Claire, the automated system, "Dropped Call" and to just follow her directions.

Oct 1, 2004, 11:30 AM
I'd tell them to buy T-Mobile. I never get dropped calls with them.

I hate people who whine about dropped calls. Ladies and gentlemen, cellular is an unstable, unpredictable technology. IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. GET OVER IT. If the call is hyper-important, USE A LANDLINE.

I haven't had enough caffeine to deal with this crap today, honestly.

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