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ITC Agrees to Examine Apple's Complaints Against HTC

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Crash and burn, HTC


Apr 1, 2010, 2:40 PM
I for one, welcome the impact this will have on saving their glitchy silver bricks from hitting landfills.

HTC is the. worst. manufacturer. ever.

Apr 1, 2010, 2:55 PM

Apr 1, 2010, 3:36 PM
I don't know if coyote ever gets off his soapbox. I usually just skip his posts as they usually say "HTC sucks, the Iphone rules the world." It gets pretty old...

Apr 1, 2010, 5:09 PM
Most definetly does!!!

Apr 1, 2010, 6:10 PM
And HTC never stops sucking.

Apr 1, 2010, 4:08 PM
HTC is the worst manufacturer ever? Apple doesn't even agree with that. If Apple thought that HTC was the worst manufacturer ever, why would they be threatened to the point of a lawsuit against HTC?

What's interesting is that half of the patents that apple is bringing to court have to do with the software (made by google) but Apple knows that they couldn't afford to fight google in court. They'll actually have to compete with google like a grown up company.

HTC makes excellent equipment, and that's WHY apple's so scared.

Apr 1, 2010, 5:13 PM
So far the newest HTC phones seem to be working pretty well. The Touch Diamond and Touch Pro were nightmates for us in customer care though. Too many customers were having the same issues- screen not working and unresponsive with no damage to the phone. At one point that probably accounted for 10% of our calls. I know I wouldn't buy an HTC device personally until I've seen the newer phones last through an entire contract cycle without problem. After that I may believe that they have the problem fixed. Until then, I'd be scared that the phone would work for about a year and then leave me stranded out of warranty and without a phone. (OF course, the EVO may be enough to change my mind, even without 4g where I live.)

Apr 2, 2010, 9:33 AM
The screen issues on the devices you mentioned were less of an HTC fault and more of a Microsoft fault due to poorly written drivers. Any phone when used and handled properly will work for a long time. And if you are so worried about a device only working for a year and then leaving you stranded without a warranty and without a phone, why don't you convince the good folks at the top of Sprint to offer one-year contracts?

Apr 2, 2010, 4:01 PM
One year contracts would not work financially for any carrier. You would price your customers into other carriers or into cheap flip phones.

Apr 1, 2010, 5:22 PM
If Apple was scared due to things like significant sales, they'd be going after Motorola.


Apr 1, 2010, 5:44 PM
motorola phones suck though

Apr 2, 2010, 9:28 AM
and you swallow...

Apr 2, 2010, 9:41 AM
Seriously, is BlueTroll actually trying to imply that a corporation has feelings? That Apple, as an organization, is disgusted with a competitor? How about they see competition and want to squash it. Its a cold, calculated business decision, and a bad one, at that.

Apr 3, 2010, 1:42 PM
So what does the fact that you hate HTC have anything to do with the validity of Apple's lawsuit?

Apr 4, 2010, 1:38 AM
I hate bad products.

HTC makes bad products.

Apple is suing HTC because HTC rips off good products to try to make their products suck less.

That's about it. Beyond that I'm just going to enjoy when this friggin sad excuse for a phone manufacturer bites the dust. Because I care about the environment.

Apr 5, 2010, 11:35 AM
I hate bad posts.

bluecoyote makes bad posts.

I am responding to bluecoyote because he rips on good products to try and make products he likes suck less.

That's about it. Beyond that I'm just going to enjoy when this sad excuse for a poster bites the dust. Because I care about phonescoop.

And on a serious note, your opinion is not fact bluecoyote. Please stop making it appear as such.

Apr 1, 2010, 4:51 PM
Monty Python: "the record's stuck, the record's stuck, the record's..."

Apr 1, 2010, 5:07 PM
Oh, I'm sure the tables will turn against Apple sometime in the not too distant future. You'll see.

Apr 1, 2010, 6:09 PM
Yeah when Apple stops giving a crap about how things work and starts padding spec sheets call me.

Apr 1, 2010, 6:29 PM
Not to say your wronge but your wronge HTC hasn't always make the best phones but the world DID NOT begin with Apple and the IPhone

Apr 1, 2010, 7:17 PM
Ehh, it might as well have. Let's be honest, nobody else really matters right now.

Name another phone manufacturer that's actually doing something to change how mobile devices are used. Oh yeah, Palm and Google are adding in cool new features here and there but both are weak platforms (the former due to poor marketing, the latter due to poor management and fragmentation.)

RIM used to be the company doing this, but they're too slow to keep up nowadays and the Blackberry era is over.

If you don't believe me, look at a pre-iPhone Android prototype (apes a Blackberry) and a post-iPhone Android prototype.

Apr 2, 2010, 12:07 AM
Speaking of RIM being too slow to keep up, check out this article I read last night, it's about how willing BB users are to leave for either an Iphone, or Android device.

http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/109225/ ... »

Apr 2, 2010, 8:05 AM
i read that yesterday. it's interesting. in my personal experience selling phones it's about 50/50. a lot of bb users are pretty true to their product. especially businesses. but i think that more and more people are wanting a "cooler" device that does what bb can do w/out being a bb.

Apr 2, 2010, 8:12 AM
I have news to share!!! My Droid got updated to 2.1 last night!!! Yay!!! You can see my post in the Vzn forum that I posted an hr after getting the 2.1 update.

I do agree with the article that Android does push email of Gmail just fine, and that BB email well, isn't as special as it used to be. I love getting email str8 to my Droid!

Apr 2, 2010, 8:15 AM
I wonder when 2.1's coming to Eris. I can't wait until it does. 🙂

Apr 2, 2010, 8:21 AM
I can't remember whether it was BGR or Engadget but I read recently Eris will be getting 2.1 before the end of April.

Apr 2, 2010, 8:09 AM
I can understand why a lot of people would be willing to ditch BlackBerry, although I can't say that an Android-based phone or an iPhone is necessarily the way to go. Android simply hasn't matured to the point where most businesses will support it, since the Android platform lacks the range of IT controls that a BlackBerry supports. While iPhone has caught on with a lot of businesses, there are a great many businesses who won't let go of BlackBerry devices, nor do they plan on supporting any other platform.

Thing is, RIM never properly consumerized BlackBerries. Consumer phones need to be easy to use, and BlackBerry - as a platform - hasn't changed enough to make this happen. As someone who's very interested in trying new phones, I must a...

Apr 2, 2010, 8:18 AM
Well, the Pearl & BB Flip were good consumer oriented phones, and of course the Storm. But it is a definet faqct that in the coming 12-18 months RIM will be losing a lot of base.

Apr 2, 2010, 9:26 AM
RIM made one fatal mistake: they should have never made their Blackberry device into a consumer version. For years Blackberry has been a great corporate e-mail and later becoming a phone/pda device only sold to corporations and everything was great. Then RIM decided to create a consumer version with all this **** added to it and quality of manufacturing went sharply downhill. Followed by sales. **** that ****! RIM can of course recover still, but only if they dump their ****ty consumer devices and focus on better business/corporate devices and services.

Apr 2, 2010, 4:14 PM
Or after Android buries them. Apple builds a great device but the level of control they insist on in scandalous. Apple is the example of the flagrant abuse that happens when a brand is perceived as superior. Everything is proprietary, everything is overpriced. Did they learn nothing from Sony? They will eventually be all by themselves in a corner wondering why so many people moved to android. Open source is what people prefer. They had the chance to dominate the computer business but they made the same mistakes and now Microsoft holds about 90% of the market. It is only a matter of time before Apple like Sony becomes lost in a crowdwd marketplace.

Apr 3, 2010, 10:02 AM
I wholeheartedly agree with you. Manufacturers get together and create a uniform standard for interconnectivity of devices. In comes Sony with their own proprietary overpriced crap. Almost all digital camera manufacturers today use SD/SDHC cards for picture/video storage. Stupid Sony uses their own proprietary memory sticks. It's completely retarded.

Apr 3, 2010, 2:20 PM
15 years ago Sony's brand was as revered as Apple's is today. Sony did not stop making great products, people just got tired of overpaying and then having few options after they bought the product. Sony still makes some of the world's best products. Their innovation is top notch. They are imaginative and creative. But in comparison to the rest of the market they are overpriced and too proprietary. Competitors came in and snatched up a lot of market share because of the price points and lack of hardware support.

Apple will suffer the same fate unless they contribute to the Android system. If what they do is so superior then they have a lot to offer the Open Handset Alliance.
But they are not members of the OHA and continue to lock their ...

Apr 5, 2010, 10:38 AM
"Apple will suffer the same fate unless they contribute to the Android system."

🤣 🤣 🤣 ROFL!!!!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣

Apr 4, 2010, 1:42 AM
"Apple builds a great device but the level of control they insist on in scandalous"

Verizon, Palm, Microsoft, and Google exercise no less control over their marketplaces. The other option is to allow sideloading and circumvention of the app store. If you do this in Android you void your warranty. Sprint won't help you. Apple's policy is the same, they just don't dick you around and are clear about it.

"Everything is proprietary"
Like H.264? AAC? Webkit? HTML? None of those are proprietary.

Sony's downfall was proprietary technologies that were inferior. Memorystick, ATRAC3, etc.

If you were a little smarter you'd know that Apple's approach isn't at all like Sony's.

Apr 4, 2010, 10:39 AM
Who gives a **** about warranty? If the device works properly and has the features the users require, there would be no need for cicumvention/side loading in the first place. (But then there is no fun either.) If a consumer chooses to void a warranty, it's their freaking choice.

You are like our president Barack Obama, great at talking but zero action...

Apr 4, 2010, 10:56 AM
And if you were smarter, you would do your research first before blabbing your mouth and you would have found out (if you did your research that Apple stole technologies and designs from others and is lying through its teeth about it). And if you were smarter you would have known that Taiwanese chip designer Elan Microelectronics is suing Apple in the United States for what is says is infringement of two of its touchscreen technology patents for the MacBook, your precious iPhone, and iPod Touch.

Apr 2, 2010, 9:09 AM
Let's see: locked-down device, limited proprietary operating system, can only add apps from the app market, no ability to add storage, cannot swap out a battery, must use iTunes which is the ****tiest piece of software ever produced to manage the device, layout and design concepts stolen from other companies over the last quarter century and you are telling me that somehow Apple is better than HTC? Get your head out of your ass, bluecoyote and open your eyes before it gets too late. Oh wait, you can't because you are stuck in your little Apple fantasy world because you enjoy having your head stuck in your ass...

Apr 2, 2010, 9:37 AM
He won't. He can't. The best thing we can do is ignore his posts, and hope he moves on. If he was willing to have a reasonable conversation, then I wouldn't mind. But if you actually mention any of the iPhone's faults, he swears they aren't faults, they're features. I've tried talking maturely with him, now I just hurl insults. Its more fun for me, and its not as if he listens when I try to discuss it with him rationally.

Apr 2, 2010, 11:58 AM
"locked-down device"

-Ok, so it's on AT&T, cool. If you don't like the phone, and you apparently don't, do not switch to AT&T... honestly man.

"limited proprietary operating system"

-That can only be described as leading in it's class, incredibly easy to use, fun, stable and the very same operating system everyone, EVERYONE else is struggling to immitate.

"can only add apps from the app market"

-I know, it sucks, I mean, there are only what, 10 or 15 apps to choose from? And what your saying isn't even true with jailbroken iPhones!

"no ability to add storage"

-REALLY???? This is an issue for you? The thing comes with a minimum of 8gigs right now and tops out at 32gigs. I understand that some people out there carry aro...

Apr 2, 2010, 2:42 PM
What Apple fans of these forums don't understand, is that the world is not made up of all Tech Geeks and Software Developers.. It is populated of mostly proprietory individuals that seek fun, excitement and quests for new trends to enjoy themselves when away from business. Trends such as Nerf Balls, Hula Hoops, Pet Rocks, Tickle Me Elmos, Motorola Razors, Etc.

So it doesn't matter how wonderful the product whether it be Quality, Looks or Function. People are drawn to new interesting concepts of Intrique and Fun Factor. Android is beginning to create a "Buzz" among individuals no matter how good it is or not. This ultimately shapes the success of products and HTC is part of the equations in these factors.They are supproting the upcoming st...

Apr 2, 2010, 5:08 PM
I like the way you write [slammer], not because I agree with it, but because you managed to squeeze out a post without using the word "fanboy" "sheep" or calling names.

I agree with you to an extent when you're talking about HTC being the company that develops new and interesting technology. I certainly wouldn't compare the company to a pet rock, but I get it.

I think Apple is reaching a faaaaaaar broader scope of people than just the "tech geeks" though. maily because those same "tech geeks" are the ones who reject the iPhone so adimently.

Apr 2, 2010, 6:19 PM
To be perfectly honest. I like the iphone alot. Just as I like Mac. The problem is, I don't agree with how Apple operates, and by purchasing their products, I'm essentially giving approval to their practices. They make a damn good product but the only way to benefit from their product, is if one abides by their rules and regiments. I am not willing to sacrifice the freedom that I get from an alternative platform.

As much as I disagree with Bluecoyote, I like the guy and find him very intelligent and entertaining. He possesses great knowledge in the internal operations of how the iphone works. I would not be willing to exchange battle of wits in this area of expertise. Nor would I chose to go a round with you or others on the technical f...

Apr 2, 2010, 9:19 AM
Its nice to see you can pull yourself away from the bridge you live under long enough to share your wisdom with us, troll.

Apr 2, 2010, 4:11 PM
What Apple fans of these forums don't seem to understand, is that the world is not made up of all Tech Geeks and Software Developers. It is mostly populated of proprietory individuals that seek fun, excitement and quests for new trends to enjoy while away from life's pressures. Trends such as Nerf Balls, Hula Hoops, Pet Rocks, Tickle Me Elmos, Dogless Leashes, Slinkys, Motorola Razors, Etc.

So it doesn't matter how awesome the product whether it be Quality, Looks or Function. Most don't know how the iphone works internally, nor do they care. It's the end result that matters for their enjoyment. Indeed, the iphone has successfully hit the mark with this. However, people are drawn to new interesting concepts of Intrique and Fun Factor. If ...

Apr 3, 2010, 9:55 AM
Apple quality is not top notch. They could improve their quality by building all of their stuff in the Bay Area instead of China.

Hey Steve Jobs, guess what? The NUMMI plant in Fremont is now gone! Care to purchase it and manufacture all your stuff there? It will improve Bay Area's economy. Think construction, ton of support jobs, manufacturing. Ah but no. You'd rather do it in China where workers make a few bucks a month because elsewhere you would have to pay people a minimum of $20 an hour. But you seem to have the money for all the frivolous law suits you've been filing lately. So **** APPLE!!!

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