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Carriers Want the Gov to Clear All Spectrum Below 3GHz

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Jul 29, 2011, 1:28 PM

Translation: Carriers want to MONETIZE all usage of 3Ghz and below...

what a surprise that the wireless carriers want to commercialize and monetize the usage of ALL spectrum below 3Ghz... that's a laugh...

no more TV, FM and AM radio, WiFi, bluetooth, CB, ham radio, GPS, etc, etc... all that would need to move... really???
This is not something that I can see happening. With the current amazing saturation of 2.4 Ghz devices, not to mention that 2.4 Ghz phones still exist, 900mhz phones still exist, and Xbox 360 controlers communicate over 2.4 Ghz too. All of these dev...

Jul 28, 2011, 4:39 PM


Any engineers care to throw their input here? Is the spectrum above 3Ghz worthwhile enough for TV, GPS, Microwaves, Radio, etc?

Heck, do they even use anything below 3Ghz right now?
WiMAX can broadcast over 3.5 GHz, as far as I know. Wasnt that specrum used for old style TVs with Bunny-Ears that had dials for UHF and VHF?
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