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Sprint Reveals Motorola Photon 4G

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Dec 28, 2011, 11:57 AM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:


As the subject line states, will the Photon 4G get the new OS when it's released? To me this should be a no-brainer given Google's $12.5 Billion acquisition that is underway to buy Motorola Mobility. I mean if the Samjunk (my spoof term for Samsung) GSII will get it, why not this? And please readers, I am disclosing upfront that I'll no longer consider Samjunk (my spoof term for Samsung) given the experience I had in getting the latest OS Upgrades on it. Two words...completely Painful! In February or March 2011 we finally got 2.2.1 after being promised to get it Q4 of 2010 and the day I added the iPhone 4s as a 3rd device to my account, low and behold we get 2.3.5. I am not going to be giving them a second chance to fail like this give...
yes but it probably wont be til like july, august or so
Yes, the current expected timing for 4.0 ICS on Photon 4G is:
Rollouts begin in Q3 2012

https://forums.motorola.com/pages/00add97d6c »

http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2400294,00.asp »

Oct 25, 2011, 3:47 AM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

won't roam on Verizon from Spring?

Had this phone now for about 3 weeks- coming off HTC Evo Shift. Wanted bigger screen, etc.

I've noticed though, that this phone doesn't seem to want to roam onto Verizon's network from Sprint. I dive an area in LA called "Beverly Glen" (for those of you who aren't familiar) 2x/day back and forth from work. Sprint's coverage in the middle of the canyon there is particularly bad and on my HTC Shift, the little roaming triangle would come up and I'd be able to talk on Verizon's network for that portion of the Canyon where Sprint had little to no coverage.

Same route with this phone and all I get are "no bars- I don't get "no service" so I think the phone is staying locked onto a very weak (probably echoing) Sprint Signal but it never seem...
**Title- Meant "Sprint" ๐Ÿคญ
This may not be very helpful but I'll throw it out there.
Did you update your PRL file?

Aug 12, 2011, 2:06 PM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

Do not buy this phone!

This phone does nothing but crash from the minute I got it. Returning it for an EVO!
I just bought this phone. I have 14 days in which to return it. How do I find my keypad now that I have found wifi, and found my home wifi, but I can't enter the password because there is no keypad on the screen... ๐Ÿ˜•

Oct 8, 2011, 12:24 AM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

Has anyone tried the GSM side of the phone here in the states?

I drive truck and find myself in places where my CDMA phone doesn't have coverage, but my prepaid GSM phone does. I saw that it was quad band, but haven't found out any info on if the gsm side of the phone is unlocked or what...

Oct 3, 2011, 11:00 AM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

"Profiles" setting

Hello, I have the USCellular Electrify and can't find where I go to the "profile" settings for "work" "home" and "weekend" profile settings. I have seen it pop up when I didn't want to deal with it, but how do I get it when I want it?
Well duh, I found it then I lost it again.
I was hoping that the pictures I took while in "office" profile would be the only ones that were displayed in the gallery from "office". But actually all are there.

Jul 31, 2011, 8:59 AM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

whose is getting this phone

I'm thinking of getting rid of my evo 3D for this one.. Any opinions..

I am a Sprint premier customer and received the Photon on Friday. I previously had the EVO 3D (upgraded from the EVO 4G). The Photon rocks. I get 4G coverage in areas that I never could with the HTC. It's fast, has excellent build qualit...
Got the phone and at first I didn't think the Motorola widgets looked as "polished" as the HTC ones, but after having it for awhile I absolutely love the phone. Battery lasts a lot longer too.

Aug 1, 2011, 11:02 PM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

cool phone but...Motoblur sucks

I sell have sold phones for all 4 carriers and now feel bad for sprint employees and customers who will experience Motoblur for the first time.....it is annoying.......the servers r down 4 days.....and u absolutely can't use ur phone without logging in or creating an account on the phone and if u create 1 using computer u can't login on phonw cuz their "mobile servers" r down..it Motorolla's way of punishing the customers who left their razrs for blackberrys last decade....congrats Motorolla u won.
Actually, you don't have to create an account for this phone. For the Atrix 4G I think you do, but not for this phone. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Jul 30, 2011, 3:21 AM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

I would wait...

Motorola has never really had a good track history of making CDMA phones for Sprint. Hence the long hiatus from...

I think it has more to do with Sprint's product plan. Motorola didn't fit in because Sprint was getting such great products from HTC and Samsung. Motorola has been slow to market with the smart phones (they were living fat off the Razor for far too ...

Aug 2, 2011, 4:39 PM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

Pictures don't transfer from my contacts

I had an EVO since it came out and was always able to sync my contact's picture from my laptop to my phone and visa versa. I just got the Photon and when I went to sync with my Microsoft Exchange, everything syncs except the contact's pictures. What's up with that?
Is this going to be fixed or do I need to return this phone and go back to my Evo and wait for the I Phone?

Jul 29, 2011, 2:04 PM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

Thanks Sprint

Finally a phone worth the price of admission.

Jul 29, 2011, 9:51 AM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

Can you use the dock without tether charge

When I saw the Atrix (AT&T) I liked the dock concept, enabling big keyboard screen support. However they won't let you use the dock without paying for tethering on AT$T. Which seems like a rip off since you are not sharing data with an external device only controlling your local one with a more accessible input device and screen.

I wonder if Sprint will allow the dock on the standard plan (naturally with our carrier exclusive "premium data" charge)?
I've seen nothing to indicate its going to cost extra to use the feature and furthermore doing so would go against Sprint's overall billing concepts. They're not going to try to nickel and dime you to death like ATT does.
Although it can use a desktop PC and media dock, it's not currently compatible with the laptop dock.

Jul 29, 2011, 9:40 AM
over in the "Motorola Photon 4G / Electrify" discussion:

I'm going to upgrade to this phone

Looks like a winner. We have the XPRT which runs well.

Questions will be:
Battery life? (way to short on my EVO)
Will it be better at WIMAX (bad on my EVO and a battery killer when the phone is searching for a WIMAX signal, whereas the Verizon charge LTE works consistently and doesn't kill the battery)?
Does it actually have GSM 1800? (not listed on the Motorola website specifications page but shown on Phonescoop.)

Jun 13, 2011, 8:19 AM


Just like the Verizon Droid Bionic this phone is announced now but wont be launched anytime soon, if ever. I currently have a Sprint and a Verizon phone and ready to commit to one. ITS A RACE- Bionic or Photon wichever ACTUALLY launches first will win me!
Just to let you kniw Verizon's LTE puts out much, much better speeds because of the 700mhz frequency. The fastest speed I've gotten is 35mbps, Samsung Droid Charge, Las Vegas, using the speedtest.net app.

Jun 9, 2011, 1:17 PM

i may get this phone... if...

it has the updated radio for 800mhz SMR cdma
I'm right there with ya, Jonathan. AndroidCentral says that according to Motorola reps the Photon WON'T have a locked bootloader which was one of my fears. If this beast has SMR support, I'm SOLD! I wonder if it has hit the FCC yet...
I don't know what to expect until I see it, they said the EVO 3D wouldn't have the 850 CDMA capability but I saw a note that it was listed in the FCC application.

Jun 12, 2011, 9:05 PM

woow feel bad for verizon

sprint lil by lil will be taking the #1 spot
and they getting the iphone too OOOH MAN!!! sprint keep releasing this monsters!!!! with that 69.99 plans verizon better come out with a plan real SOOON

Jun 9, 2011, 3:11 PM

Awesom specs, but...

an ugly design in my opinion. The angled corners just dont do it for me. I'll be a bit jealous of people using the phone but i just can't see myself carrying that ugly thing around. ๐Ÿ˜›
checked eric's pics of the photon..the edges doesnt seem sharp to me..i kinda liked this phone, made me changed my mind about the moto android devices "face" design, cause i disliked the orig droid's "face"

Jun 9, 2011, 8:57 PM

Latest info. from moto says the bootloader WILL be locked.

It's a shame, I was going to get this phone instead of the HTC EVO 3D (in a contest of 3D screen vs. GSM capabilities, the GSM capabilities are more important). However, now that I hear the bootloader will be locked, I am definitely getting the EVO instead. Moto's bloatware/blurware is particularly egregious and not being able to run stock Android on this device is deal breaker for me (as I am sure for many others).

Stupid, self-inflicted wounds like insisting on locking bootloaders while essentially all of the competition leaves theirs' unlocked will be the downfall of this company. Sometimes you've got to wonder what goes through the heads of those executives. Note HTC's latest revenue numbers: up 116% yoy. Get a clue Motorola!
iDont Care

Jun 9, 2011, 2:48 PM

They better release this before the iPhone 4S

Cause if not, it's DOA. Doesn't matter about the 4G. People will ALWAYS choose the iPhone. Especially if this is priced @ $249 and the iPhone @ $199. This will be a hard sell.
There are 2 things this badboy has going for it has an Nvidia dual core processor that will allow it to be a "playstation" phone and compete head to head with iphone. It has a crapload of storage memory and a giant hi res screen... People don't "alway...
you're still assuming that the iphone4s is a reality
Why would it be DoA? There is no iPhone on Sprint. Oh sorry, you meant 50 million customers would switch carriers to get the next gen iphone. Gotcha.

Jun 9, 2011, 12:28 PM


"a front facing camera".

Any word on the quality of that camera?

Camera aside, it looks like a beautiful phone.
VGA... im wondering the specs on the GSM
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