Review: Motorola Q
Best accurate review to date- The "Q" gets a F
Karmaego said:
unless you live in Europe or the Far East where cellphones are like candy in one of the $.25 dispensors, you'll always be a couple of years behind in phone quality. You can thank the FCC for that faux pas.
Darn right Karm! I have travelled to Asia extensively...Japan, China, Tawain and Korea. Even the '3rd world' Asian countries have better service than we do. I MEAN IT! They have broadband! You should see the powerful, broadband, fully loaded mini computers these people are using. They call them phones, I call them laptops that fit into the palm of your hand! This isn't new either. They have had this type of lifestyle for years now. YEARS! Meanwhile, I am still waiting a decent Smartphone!...
A painful example: the unfortunate post-war Iraqis were forced to adopt a CDMA network to fleece the pockets of US companies -- think about it, if the US really cared, it would turn the Iraqi GSM network back on so they could use their phones again. But no, can't have that. They have to buy new (US) phones, and US contractors get to build a new cell phone network for $$$.
Despite all the claims of CDMA being better technology than GSM, why do so many users and other technical reviews differ? Lets face it, GSM is better.
Lets face it, GSM is better.
And yet every evolution path for GSM is *to* CDMA.
GSM isn't better. It's easier. Less expensive. That isn't automatically better.
Not logical what so ever. In fact I am stunned at how bad it is.
Coming from Australia and being spoilt with "modern" phones, it always comes as a surprise that the US market offers so much out dated rubbish. It is so frustrating! The networks here have everyone conned! Making profit out of really really bad service ie. Verizon, and selling outdated, gutted phones!
Anyway, switched over to cingular and am now waiting for the Nokia E61. Now that's a cool phone! Wouldn't it be even cooler if Apple realeased an Ipod phone? Now that would be easy and simple. 😉
Go to Motorola's site for tips on how to use the phone better. My second time using the phone, I really got a better sense of what it could do. No touchscreen which I like for certain applications, but the voice independent is awesome and works with Bluetooth. That alone makes it a great phone!
And this is their first phone of this kind, watch what motorola does in the future.
Full Qwerty! not 2 per key. No such thing with Blackberry.
Wait, *several* Blackberry model lines have full QWERTY keyboards. If you're trying to include voice dialing in that claim, then I understand. From what I've learned, that's a conscious choice by RIM based on requests to keep it out by some of their US government clients.
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