Tiered Data Headed to Verizon this Summer
Wtf are u serious
Tiered data is for loser! Enjoying my Sprint unlimited data all day long. 😎
No seriously though, this guy has some serious problems.
I may not be the guy everyone agrees with all the time, but wow...
If there are absolutely no people on the forum that agree with you, maybe it's time to take a step back and c...
I am glad to read about your un-dying love for Sprint. Honestly I don't think they knew you cared so much. However, your obsession is bordering on stalker, and while they are mildly flattered, they're also creeped out.
So this le...
DiamondPro said:...
They didnt wanna dissuade buyers? Oh lemme guess they want to piss buyers off who now have to pay for tiered data. Those are the schemes verizon plans I just hate the company for. Oh lets just lock in X amount of c
Verizon Wireless - We Never Lube You First
but to be honest all the major carriers are doing this kind of crap in one way or another
We are the exception, not the norm.
As such, the general perspectives offered on this forum are of very, very little value to the decision-makers i...
Freedom of Choice
It was accurately stated in this forum that as a rule of thumb smartphone users consume up to 10 times the data of a standard handset and until NOW smart phone users have been able to fly under the radar with unlimited plans intended for mid to lower capable units for minimal charges. Now with the recent and by recent I'm saying within the last 18 months smart phone boom. Devices are more data centric than ever before and more people have them as opposed to standard handsets and ALL THE CARRIERS are feeling the pressure to not only maintain their network but expand for future growth.
Its not that it cost significantly mor...
Nice job on the article link, PhoneScoop
Anybody feel tricked?
But now that you already got one..........
But now that you already have one, we thought, hey why not make you pay more money 🤣
baaaahahahahaaahahahahahah 🤣
who coulda seen this coming?
pickles said:
i can't believe how dumb most consumers are.
What industry do you work in?
I find it pretty easy to believe how dumb consumers are.
Here's hoping
If they would match the 250 MB for $15 I could score on AT&T, I'd be all over that.
I don't mind tiered pricing, as long as the bottom tier is in the 250 to 300 range.
Sent from my Epic over 4g,