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Review: Motorola Atrix 4G

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the old guy

Aug 4, 2011, 1:22 PM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:

individual folders for pics

Does anyone know the way to set up individual folders in the gallery for pictures? My Nexus One allowed for this and not being able to do it will be a deal breaker for me. I appreciate any help. Thanks

May 18, 2011, 6:10 PM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:

USB in back of Laptop

I am wondering if you can use a USB external hard drive for holding pictures, music, or movies and watch them on the laptop hub or the hub for home use? 😁

Apr 2, 2011, 8:53 PM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:

carrier ?

is the atrix goin to verizon?? n if so is it anytime soon??
No it will not be on verizon. The only thing setting the atrix apart right now is the tegra chip but it will be in many phones soon

Feb 20, 2011, 8:33 AM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:

accessory pricing insanity

$300 (bundled) or $500 (unbundled) for a keyboard and display? I can buy a full up netbook with equivalent display for $250 and have a much more capable device. if I'm going to haul along a laptop sized device, I might as well have a full pc.

not to mention the unbelievable oversight of not putting the phone dock where the touchpad is.

$140 for a powered USB hub and HDMI passthrough? I can buy the hub for $5 and the passthrough is unnecessary

$40 for a hunk of plastic to charge my phone on?


if they priced the netbook dock @ 200, multimedia dock at 40 and the charging dock at 20, then I'd be all over them, but at the current pricing I am certainly not going to buy them. I'll wait for third party docks and skip th...
I'd have to agree that $300 for the mobile laptop is out of line. Plus you are required to pay for the tethering service at $45/month.

I could see some value or the HDMI hub if I decide to connect this thing up to a screen, mouse and keyboard. It...

Mar 6, 2011, 9:49 AM

I tried and tried and tried

I really tried to like this phone and AT&T. In the end, I just could not put up with the terrible internet speeds so I ended up returning the phone. If and when they get the slow internet speed issue resolved, I will be back. In then end, I loved the phone but the network issues made the decision for me. Just my 2c

Mar 6, 2011, 7:35 AM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:

ATRIX laptop or Xoom?

which is better, the laptop option for the atrix? or wait for the AT&T version of xoom??

Mar 4, 2011, 11:52 AM

Freezing up

I have had the phone about a week now, and it worked ok for the first couple of days. But now it is freezing up all the time. The battery life is not good either. I will do a reset on it and see if this helps with freezing. Battery life I can live with. if the freezing does not stop, I may return it. But the Android phones are defiantly the way to go!!! 😎
Make sure you dont have to many widget running. but you can blame motoblur for the freezing

Mar 1, 2011, 8:34 AM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:


Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong, I have tried to set up fingerprint swipe and I can't get it to work.
I get three good swipes then it takes me back to where I started from.
Thank you in advance for your help.
I don't have the phone yet so I can't help you with that... But as a owner, an you confirm or counter the claims that the battery does not last on this phone? I didn't like the phonescoop review on the phone saying the battery is really bad. I wonder ...
it wants 3 good swipes with your right index finger, then 3 good swipes with your left.

then it finishes.

confused me at first too.
Manatee Man

Feb 26, 2011, 12:15 PM

Battery Life?

What android device makes it 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.? Ever since the 1ghz phones launched last summer, the only way you get that battery life is with jumping through hoops (unsyncing, task killer, etc). More of a drawback to android unless you can show that somehow the Atrix is so much worse.
The G2 easily gets a full day on a charge with moderate to heavy use, and with light use could almost make it 2 days.
The phone comes with a Motorola Task Manager. By using the task manager, no battery issues at all. Great phone by the way, I left an Iphone 4 for it.

Feb 26, 2011, 9:42 AM

Firefox vs. Chrome

Firefox can be tweaked to run better than chrome on slower/ older hardware and on slower connections through the about:config options.

It may also have been easier to get Firefox running on ARM architecture since Mozilla is working on a mobile Firefox version, that is supposed to be based on the desktop Firefox code.
atlp99 said:
Firefox can be tweaked to run better than chrome on slower/ older hardware and on slower connections through the about:config options.

It may also have been easier to get Firefox running on ARM architecture since M
atlp99 said:
Firefox can be tweaked to run better than chrome on slower/ older hardware and on slower connections through the about:config options.

It may also have been easier to get Firefox running on ARM architecture since M

Feb 26, 2011, 6:21 PM

The Best Phone I have used

I never really understand the premature reviews. I have used iPhone after iPhone, Samsung Captivate, and finally for about 5 days now the Motorola Atrix.

Since I have been using the Atrix I have been VERY VERY IMPRESSED. I realize that even at 5 days of use I think every review is premature since we have no idea of longevity.

I have been very saddened by Motorola lately. But oh my have they come back and came back hard they did. I will give my opinion on Signal, screen, battery life, speed, and accessories.

Motorola have been one of the best signal providers for at&t since the razr. This Phone although 4G is not in Michigan yet. who cares. The signal is very very impressive. Better than all the smartphones I have use...

Feb 8, 2011, 2:45 PM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:


Anyone know if its true they're going to continue encrypting the bootloader?

It's a deal breaker for me, I need to be able to use my phones how I decide, not some distant marketing chimp.

Latest I've seen on this is:
http://androidcommunity.com/motorola-issues-apology- ... »

Would be nice to actually KNOW that MOT has decided they really want to stay in business.
I'm a little bit worried about the bootloader being locked, but I have tremendous faith in the fine people at XDA. This is going to be the most popular phone on AT&T, and in the U.S., at least until the Bionic comes out to rival it, so the person who ...

Jan 11, 2011, 5:08 PM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:

March 1st!!!!!! It seems sooooo far!!


So I just got off the phone with At&t to see if existing customers can pre-order this phone any time soon and the old gal didn't even know what I was talking about, much less understand the question. But she did some looking and came back and told me that she had found some info on the phone stating it will launch MARCH 1ST!!!! Im tired of my Captivate not having crap for GPS. The ONLY thing I MIGHT miss is the SuperAMOLED. CES Was just a few days ago. The phone looked ready to go there... Why do I have to wait a month and a half.... Doesn't At&t want to lock in more customers into a contract befor a ton of them leave for the VZ iPhone 4? Not like I'll ever go to crapy provider... But this phone could seriously keep a bunch of peo...
March 1st does seem very far away. I've heard different dates. Some places say January 15th. Some say the end of January. I hope it's January & not March. I just watched a clip from CES 2011 on the Atrix & now I want it even more! I would love to be p...

Feb 4, 2011, 1:26 AM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:

February 13

Pre-ordering for this phone begins! excited? yes i most definatly am!!
It is supposed to be one badass phone!

Jan 26, 2011, 3:57 PM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:

New Release Date: February 13th???

I googled 'Atrix 4G' today and found an article that said that the phone and the Laptop dock were going to be available at Bestbuy on the 13th of Feb!

The Laptop is rumored to be $150...not too bad.
Its not the laptop thingie thats going to be $150, it's the dock adaptor which will be $150..
It will be able to pre purchase on the 13th. Att internal employee site states they will be in retail stores on march 6th or sooner. It will be 199 with 2 yr agreement. There will be bundled pricin for the dock and phone purchase.
He who Lurks

Jan 8, 2011, 5:39 PM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:


A decent motorola for AT&T how the hell did that happen?
Its whatever, you won't be able to download tethering apps, the navigation won't work and it runs motoblur. Great specs but ultimately a failure because of AT&T's android politics.
😲 😳 🤤 lets have a joint
This phone looks amazing.

Maybe we'll get a "Nexus M" that will do this but boot ChromOS?

Jan 19, 2011, 11:55 AM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:


Any leads on some early accessories for the Atrix? I'm ready to get the phone when it hits, but it would be nice to have a case and screen films too.

Jan 11, 2011, 10:40 AM
over in the "Motorola Atrix 4G" discussion:

Motorola Website.

Got to the Motorola website and see what you can do with this phone. It's pretty awesome. I wonder what the price is gonna be. I have an iPhone 4 right now & love it, but depending on the price of this phone I may have to get it. It's gonna blow the iPhone away!
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