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Sprint: Smartphone Users Need to Pay $10 More

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Jan 18, 2011, 2:09 PM

That's $136 a year more after taxes in NC

Just a thought.

Jan 18, 2011, 9:03 AM

Gonna be a long day for.........


I will sit back and watch
Sprint was making some good steps forward to improve themselves but now this is one big step back.
I imagine his response will be similar to this one:

"I dont like my bill going up either but all in all I still have unlimited and at the end of the day I dont have tiered data pricing. Tiered is okay is you dont use your phone to its full capabi...
flip mode

Jan 18, 2011, 12:47 PM



Jan 18, 2011, 9:34 AM

Raise my bill

I don't like any bill going up but at the same time I am still saving money vs anywhere else. I also don't have to worry about tiered pricing, thank god for that!!! I also like the fact it is not retroactive, so if you already have a smartphone you need not worry until you upgrade. I found out the insurance replacements or the warranty replacements would not be affected. Bottom line is we, me especially, are using tons of data on these phones, and 10.00 a month is worth me not having to worry about my data overage at the end of the month. I am happier than them telling me that they are giving me 1 or 2 GB of data per month and them I have to pay more if I go over, I don't have to worry about it. I am not saying that it doesn't sting a little...
Ya this will kinda suck, but it is better than what others are paying, plus it is unlimited. The other thing it said is the charge will take affect when you renew your contract. The trick is just don't renew/upgrade your contract. Buy the phone outrig...
Seriously. This is like someone telling you they are going to stick a poker in your *Bleep* and you saying "Well...at least it's not a red hot poker..."

Just bend over and take it.

Jan 18, 2011, 11:05 AM

Sprint's a Native American Giver

Sprint sucked you in with the all everything plan. This reminds me of the "All you can eat restaurants" that complain about overweight people eating too much. There is no portion control with data. "Look it has a 5 inch screen. You can watch movies on it".
Prices go up, it happens, it's called 'inflation' and Sprint's prices are still the cheapest in the business even after the increase. Bottom line is that eventually Sprint is going to have to turn a profit and they aren't going to be able to do tha...

Jan 18, 2011, 10:36 AM

cmon guys its reasonable even for 3g

3g is very fast on my evo in detroit ,

my cell phone bill is still much lower then many of my friends ..

my service is great, sprint is awesome

i can use unlimited data, and root the EVO ,

i use bit torrent right on the phone!!
100% agree with you and i never thought of this as a 4g charge even though it seems that way as it was put out on the 4g devices. It is more of a 3g charge as the 3g networks with these phones on them are getting taxed
Cellular Phone

Jan 18, 2011, 10:32 AM

I saw an article on data charges.

It was on CNN Money I believe. Essentially the article said carriers are spending billions to upgrade their networks to keep up with the data demand. Who will be paying the price? The consumers. The carriers aren't spending billions to be nice, they are doing it as an investment so that with faster date networks, they can charge more.

This is just the beginning. You can expect higher rates for "4G" phones, and 3G phones.

Here is the link to the article: http://money.cnn.com/2010/12/28/technology/bi llions_for_wireless_networks/index.htm

Jan 18, 2011, 9:58 AM

time to change the commercials

So now its 79.99 for unlimited text, web, and 450 daytime mins if you have a smartphone on sprint.
The perk is any mobile anytime, as long as you are in sprint coverage.
Compare to Verizon, 79.99 for 450 daytime mins, unlimited web, and a text plan. The perk is unlimited calls and text to any Verizon wireless phone, plus the largest, most reliable network.
I agree, I wish to be honest they would just change the price of the plan vs the 10.00 add on
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