Hearing about a VZDub Android phone coming soon! Too bad it's from Moto.
All I can remember was that the Q and RAZR were both over rated and heavily problematic. Let's hope they can get this right. Either that or Samsung, HTC, or another manufacturer gets it right for Red...
Bring on Android!
Yes! Finally! But what? When exactly? Price?
I was an eary adoptor of the V710 and the Siver Q. I think I'll pass...
Both the wife and I have had several Motorola phones, and we've had lots of problems with them. Still except for one phone with a problemed charging port all of the problems were software related. The hardware portion of the Moto phones have held up...
This is very uncharacteristic of Motorola. Usually their phones aren't fast enough. So long as it actually uses its GPU.
While I can in no way, shape or form be called a Motorola fan I was quite impressed by the MotoZine. I think I'll reserve judgement on the "Moto-Android" till it releases and I can get some hands on time with it.