AT&T and Verizon Wireless Agree to Sale and Further Asset Swap
In a nutshell...
Simply put, VZW mildly loosens its grip, while AT&T tightens its squeeze, and both increase their nearly duopolistic hegemony on the domestic wireless market.
Yeah! Great job of regulation, FCC!
WiWavelength said:...
To be allowed to devour ALLTEL, VZW has to divest some overlap (licenses, network, subscribers). And AT&T is now the likely buyer.
Simply put, VZW mildly loosens its grip, while AT&T tightens its squeeze, and
US Cellular? what about the other million customers?
well that leaves around 1 million or so left and plenty of markets?
1. Any news of US Cellular making a grab?
2. can verizon sell the gsm network in a hypothetical market and the cdma and customers to another?
anyone know more details about what was exactly sold.
ps aj great maps
knoxvegas75 said:...
Ok so the rumor is 1.5 million will go to AT&T
well that leaves around 1 million or so left and plenty of markets?
1. Any news of US Cellular making a grab?
2. can verizon sell the gsm network in a hypoth
question for an expert on this situation
since this is a divested market, is it possible that at&t may pick up some spectrum? and or some towers they can convert to gsm?
wrightN said:...
my store is located in an at&t area that is rural almost 20-25 miles out in about any direction. alltel (cdma in general) has way better coverage out there.
since this is a divested market, is it possible that at&
wrightN said:...
my store is located in an at&t area that is rural almost 20-25 miles out in about any direction. alltel (cdma in general) has way better coverage out there.
since this is a divested market, is it possible that at&
So... Assets?
Do we get to rearrange the forum list yet again?
ajlineman said:
Assets meaning subscribers too? Is this going to put AT&T back ahead of Verizon in overall amount of subscribers?
Do we get to rearrange the forum list yet again?
Alltel just used its GSM network to...