Verizon Wireless Announces the Hub Home Phone
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pretty cool
i think this is pretty sweet, besides the fact it looks like even this will have the bland & boring vzw UI. but what else is new? $35/month doesn't seem like a bad monthly price either.
$35 isn't bad but you can get the same thing from T-Mobile without the fancy phone and it's only $10 a month.
That's true! However, Tmobile doesn't offer the same features that the Verizon phone offers
it doesn't have the same features but are those features worth 25/mo more considering that its using a internet connection ? why not try that magicjack device for 20/year or roll the dice with vonage for 15/mo ? in fact i cant believe im saying this but the cable company has a cheaper offering !! but that phone looks cool.
YES! It is. Ever heard of a customer with a BlackBerry and a Mac. And then tried to help them sync?! Impossible!! At least for the average American. I would love to know the household schedules with just a quick connections. Lets face it, Verizon as always, and will always have better services than T-Mobile. I do enjoy that they have been compared to Cricket-that is EXCELLENT! 🤣
It actually a very nice looking device. Why wont someone like Asus make the wifi tablet part of it without contract for $200 and maybe it would sell?
Time Warner and Cox offer unlimited calling for 30, so $5/month doesn't seem so excessive except that most use their VW for free long distance on weekend/nights and VW will have 10-20% taxes which are actually NON mandated fees passed along for profit and some mandated taxes. (ask operator, they have NO idea what tax rates you have). Cell cos are wonderful at low balling costs and shifting 5 fees into the tax line, hoping that moron consumers wont notice.
But hey, VW is #1 even with highest costs and people keep switching to them, so they will sell this phone like hotcakes as usual.
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