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Sprint Cancels PC Downloads from Music Service

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Just another sign...


Sep 30, 2008, 4:40 PM
That Sprint is (maybe) going under? I mean they are cutting back A LOT. Does anyone remember the Sprint email addresses being taken away? And they just sold their towers so they didn't have to maintain them. Anyone else think this and who do you think will buy them up (if anything happens)?

Sep 30, 2008, 4:54 PM
The problem now is that if someone (say VZW) buys them, they don't get the towers. They only get the customers.

Sep 30, 2008, 5:14 PM
WOW! I think you guys are reading too much into this stuff. Eliminating the music download and the email adresses in an example of getting rid of stuff that people aren't using. I've had Sprint for years and I've never used that email address. I've also never used the download for the computer.

Now I'm sure there are those of you that DID use these little extras but it's bad business to put money into keeping these kinds of services if 85% of your customers don't use it.

The towers are a completely seperate matter that I'm not going to get into, but the way I see it, the new CEO is trying to make the company profitable and to do that, you have to do these types of things.

Sep 30, 2008, 5:22 PM
Ok I understand the trying to make a profit but that is just like saying: "Lets cut the things that people don't use.. All of them." So what if they cut out the three hundred text messages a month for five dollars? That would be good for the people that only need that amount and don't want to pay a lot. Also it is about what they offer. If you have the same prices on things and it comes down the the small details... then some people (very few, but some) might go with the other carrier.

Oct 1, 2008, 10:32 AM
First of all, 300 texts for $5 is extremely popular, so that is not at all a fair comparison.

Secondly, what other major carrier offers a wireless song download AND one for the PC for 99 cents? Nobody. And now neither will Sprint. I believe Verizon offers both but it's $2.

Oct 1, 2008, 3:47 PM
Sndmn23 said:
First of all, 300 texts for $5 is extremely popular, so that is not at all a fair comparison.

Secondly, what other major carrier offers a wireless song download AND one for the PC for 99 cents? Nobody. And now neither will Sprint. I believe Verizon offers both but it's $2.

It is 99 cents IF you have a data plan. I just want to make that clear. the last time I had Sprint and bought a song, I paid $1.99 PLUS data usage. So in that case it depends on what you can actually afford. And it may be popular but how do we know the email wasn't popular?

Oct 1, 2008, 4:05 PM
The pricing has changed since the last time you used it. It used to be $1.99 or 3 for $5 (I believe). So they have lowered the pricing to .99 (plus data usage if you don't have a data plan).

As far as the email popularity goes, try this: ask ten people you know with Sprint for their email address because you want to send them something. If ONE of them actually knows it and doesn't tell you to send it to another address, I would be shocked.

Oct 2, 2008, 9:46 AM
Sndmn23 said:
First of all, 300 texts for $5 is extremely popular, so that is not at all a fair comparison.

Secondly, what other major carrier offers a wireless song download AND one for the PC for 99 cents? Nobody. And now neither will Sprint. I believe Verizon offers both but it's $2.

Actually Verizon offers it for .99 if you download it from the PC. Then you can transfer it to your phone via USB

Oct 2, 2008, 10:27 AM
Correct. But I was trying to keep it "apples to apples". A wireless download from Sprint with a copy for the PC was .99. The same through Verizon is $2. I didn't use the comparison of a PC only download because Verizon offers it and Sprint does not. Just like Sprint now offers an stand alone instant wireless download for .99 and Verizon does not.

Oct 2, 2008, 11:37 AM
Oh, I see. 😉

Sep 30, 2008, 7:39 PM
Sprint sells their towers:

A carrier doesn't need to own towers. Just the Spectrum. Verizon and Att lease a good portion of their towers. So Sprint is just doing what they do. It's a lot cheaper. In fact, if you get a chance walk up to a monopole where their are 3 or 4 cell panel units on this monople and you will see in some cases a label of the carriers leasing that tower. My Neighbors own land out in a rural area and they struck a deal where they are getting 2100 dollars a month from the tower company to have a tower on their property. The tower company said it is for Verizon, Sprint and ATT. So know you know.

Sprint eliminates Sprint mail:

Most people have their own personal Email like Yahoo, Gmail and others forwarded to their...

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