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Windows Mobile 7 to Be Touch Centric

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Jan 6, 2008, 9:19 PM

Thank you, Apple!

Without you, Microsoft would not be threatened enough to actually update their OS's. Ah... what the hell... Google's Android deserves a little credit too.
Imitation is the fondest form of flatulence. Or is it flattery?

Jan 8, 2008, 10:36 AM

Threaded SMS?

I just got my Blackjack II which I love, albeit I'd REALLY like to have threaded SMS messages (like gmail is to email). It helps group between all your friends and keep them organized.

I've resorted to a program called Extreme Text, which is great but could timestamp the messages more efficiently. Sometimes messages that should be after a response come before.

Any suggestions? I bet this will be a feature in WM7 and BJII users will be left in the dust.
Wireless Buddy

Jan 7, 2008, 6:33 PM

Stupid crap!! *slams head against wall*

I don't want an iPhone. I want Windows Mobile. This is not what I wanted to see Windows Mobile become. I wanted to see it become more computer like, not more iPhone like. This makes me sick.

Good job, Microsoft. You actually had me liking one of your products and now I don't. Nice move.
Windows Mobile 6 is good enough for me.

Jan 7, 2008, 11:56 AM

Well, the real question is

is it still going to be a useless pile of crap?

Jan 7, 2008, 11:41 AM

Surprise Surprise

This is just like Microsoft to copy something like Apple has done. Apple upgrades their os's every 18 Months. Howmany times have we seen things change for MS that was stolen from someone else. Firefox had their tabbed browsing and what did the 7th version of IE have tabbed browsing. MS always steals.

On a side note though this does keep the software industry competative and keeps them redesigning.
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