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T-Mobile, Motorola Announce Slide Fix

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Simple Fix


Nov 21, 2007, 2:03 PM
Atleast tmobile is doing the right thing by trying to solve everyones issues. This is a simple fix. Tmobile and motorola should have spotted this issue while testing the device. But atleast they are taking the correct steps to fix the issue and satisfy their customers.

Nov 21, 2007, 2:55 PM
Thats true...I wonder if T-Mo will let customers keep their Sidekick LX's they got for the problems with the Slide you know what I mean? For customers that had issues with their Slide, they can bring it into a store and get the LX at no charge, im wondering if T-Mo will let them keep their LX'x or make em go back to the Slides? 🤨

Nov 21, 2007, 7:06 PM
of course they will let them keep their lx's.

how could they force people to come back and return them? you had the option to just wait it out on the Slide. T-mobile didn't force anyone to get the lx or any other phone for that matter.

Nov 22, 2007, 9:07 AM
No freekin way are they gonna make people take their LXs back. Not gonna happen!

People might be able to bring the LX back b/c they just gotta have a Slide...but T-mo will not ask people to bring it back

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